
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Just don't compare mine to Marth's ...

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago (3 children)
  • Rosalina, teddy bear / sm red wheels
  • Lucina

bee blush hide emoji

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago

There are some great suggestions here! It feels like a lot to focus on each of these things when you're not practiced with these habits being suggested, but gaining proficiency in any of them will help to improve the others.

This link (PDF) is one of the Toastmasters resources on body language. Some of the tools presented there will help you to more effectively nope out of situations when you become uncomfortable, and hopefully empower you to feel more confident making those calls before it becomes too costly. I think it will also assist you in catching these occurrences earlier, since incongruities between what's being spoken and what the other person's body is saying can signify that there is a disconnect in intentions

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago

MH4U on the 3ds was my first introduction and I actually kinda miss being able to quickly tap the items that were up on the touch screen to use them. World on PS and Rise on the switch scratch the itch but I was visibly upset that tracking didn't make it into Rise; it was just a great mechanic and it felt extra satisfying to build out the monster knowledge, and it added some wonderful depth to the gameplay.

I'm not really all that crazy about the fort defense mechanic in Rise, I'd genuinely skip it if I could.

As much as I enjoy the series and still play it, there's a certain amount of ennui that I'm experiencing when it comes to hunting Jaggis and the rest of the same monsters every time. New mechanics help to make up for it by having the hunt be slightly different, but wow what I wouldn't give for a totally new experience playing Monster Hunter.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

doot DOOOdoodoodoot

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

There's just so much hidden goodness inside! My last playthrough has me struggling less, and I found more, but apparently I just wasn't thorough enough

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Trying to actually get the good ending in Tunic, not too proud to admit I'm using a tracker this time around. And wow, I passed up SO. MUCH. last time around

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago

Iirc the leaked internal docs and reporting showed that nvidia was downloading 81 years worth of video per day. If the pattern holds, and we "throw" the books at them, it probably looks a lot like one of those building-sized front end loaders dropping the library of Alexandria on those executives.

As an alternative, I would be fine if nvidia were no longer allowed to hold copyright or trademarks since the company believes that those don't matter, required to share all internal documents (including any and all planning), and required to open source all their code until the company implodes

[–] [email protected] 24 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Here's hoping the plaintiffs can bring the leaked internal docs from nvidia's management directing engineers to violate the TOS of several sites to show a pattern of malfeasance, and that the judge has at least a modicum of understanding regarding these topics. Throw the book(s) at 'em.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

To the file holder of the gdrive, it says no access.

And I was under the impression you were further than that, that's definitely manageable!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Absolutely! I ship fall/spring but if you're ever down by the Ogunquit/Berwicks area for stuff you are invited!

I have sent an access request

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

'300' meme but they're helping someone out of the pit instead while "This. Is. Beehaw" is shouted


Recently a friend and I were talking about the pop punk band LWL, and he asked if I had their discography or even just their album "Quarter Life Crisis". I had several of their tracks on an old hard drive but not nearly as much as I thought, so we went looking online for their music but found.... nothing. Okay, maybe not "nothing" since there are tracks like "I'll Always Remember the 6th" on youtube but nothing as far as album rips are concerned.

So, any of you old punks with large collections - can you help a brother out?


Canonical yt link

Hoping folks enjoy their festivities safely


Hey folks! I'm hoping that someone can recommend a book or two on herbalism - preferably ones where the author discussed the terpenes and secondary plant metabolites more than the magickal properties of the plants in question.

Currently I'm looking up plants through things like the NIH portal but would prefer to have some books I could reference as well; those studies are usually focused on one or two metabolites or compounds and it would be nicer to have that sort of information for each indicated use. For example: plantain (Plantago major) and comfrey (Comfrey officinale) are both used for skin conditions due to their production of allantoin; mountain mints (Pycnanthemum spp) are used in various ways for their production of carvacrol, menthone, isomenthone, β-elemene, limonene, piperitone, and germacrene D.



There are about a hundred potted perennials out on my front lawn right now as the latest wintry mix hits our area, and someone dropped off a huge box of cell trays and small pots to us yesterday. Some of them will go to our local library for their gardeners workshops and to prep for their annual plant sale fundraiser, some will go to the Master Gardeners program for their spring fundraiser, and I will attempt to find space for what we end up keeping.

What's growing on with you all?


Today marks the beginning of the second full week of Spring in the northern hemisphere, even if some of us are stuck in second winter. Share your garden goals, projects, challenges, and successes for this growing season; share your tips, tricks, and garden hacks, or anything else you'd like. Let's all help each other grow something beautiful together!

If folks are into it, I'd like to make this a weekly thread for everyone to share updates and assistance as the year progresses. Please let me know if that's something you'd all like.


[Image description: a Sedum's old blooms are encased in ice]

While I don't love what ice storms do to this year's buds, their effects on the leftovers from last year are beautiful.


What's everybody doing to celebrate? for a slightly more serious take on the topic.


I'm almost wrapped up with filling voids, bark inclusions, and knot holes in the boards for the bookcase. If our garage was climate controlled I expect this process would have gone faster; the same could be said if I had more horizontal working space for staging and filling. Once everything is done curing I should be able to go back over each board with the finishing grits to reach 220 - after that it's cutting to have a plumb edge and to create the shelf supports.

Since we're popping the grain in between sandings (spraying lightly with water and allowing to dry, which swells the softer grain and allows for a smoother finish) I've been able to see what these will sort of look like once finished, but the small bits of epoxy that made it over the edges of some of these really make the grain look downright sexy.

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