
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I kinda wanna try Gentoo just for the experience, but as someone who already uses Arch, I'm worried it will take up more of my time than my current setup already does.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Just because not many people use a package, doesn't mean it is irrelevant. For open source packages (or anything really), as soon as one additional person uses a package, that package becomes relevant. The person/people using it become its advertisers, and when enough people are seen using a product, especially a free one, a larger group will use either that package or something similar to cut their own programming costs.

This is simplified, but the point is that we need to stop this sort of thing at the root (the package itself) before it gets noticed by larger groups and companies who might actually get away with this BS. Always remember, we are tech/privacy nerds. We are the minority, and the average person doesn't care until something hurts them directly.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

My point is less that leaving Arch alone breaks things and more that updating after a really long time can break something. It also kinda defeats the point of using a rolling release distro. I can see how you thought i was spreading misinformation though. My bad for poor wording.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago (3 children)

Arch Linux with NVIDIA is definitely not great for newbies, especially for people who can't keep up with the distro. If left unupdated for too long, your system may break. Even if you update every day, you could break something. You just never win with a rolling release distro like this. My only saving grace is that I run with an AMD gpu and so far, that thing has just worked.

My tip for anyone switching to Linux is to switch to AMD. Even if NVIDIA is better overall for performance and features, even if the last time you tried AMD on your windows system it was slow and a bit buggy, on Linux, AMD just works, without extra steps.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Man i didn't know the Thunderbird logo turned into reverse Firefox


Hello! I would like to request the ability to edit posts from this app. I usually use something like this to add a "[SOLVED]" tag to issue posts or to leave updates on certain posts for people too tired/lazy to scroll down and read the replies. Unfortunately, I do not know much programming, so I cannot do this myself.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago

I also had that problem, but didn't think much of it since I don't really turn off my VPN often. It only really affected me when either my first issue occurred or ProtonVPN crashed for whatever reason. So far, running ProtonVPN through OpenVPN had solved this issue for me.


Hello once again! Since I cannot edit old Lemmy posts, here's an update on my two posts: Issue with NetworkManager and Internet Connection Issue #2.

For the first post, the issue has not reoccurred where NetworkManager would ask for my password almost every day since a NetworkManager update that happened sometime between now and 2 weeks ago (I don't remember exact day).

For the second post, the problem of the stalling internet connection over VPN is most likely with the ProtonVPN Linux app. Someone recommended that I use the VPN via OpenVPN and so far, that has worked without flaw. I have since uninstalled the app and do not plan to use it anymore.

Thanks for all the helpful replies and I hope someone might find my posts useful sometime in the future!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

This has worked nicely! Thanks

[–] [email protected] 1 points 11 months ago

All of my other devices are either Windows or Android for convenience. The VPN works on Windows, but I can't isolate this issue via that route as those devices are old and have their own issues.

I have tried running my system without vpn and this specific issue hasn't appeared from yesterday until now. It is making me feel a little uncomfortable not having it on though.

I'm going to try another suggestion, then I'll come back to this one if it still doesn't work.


I seem to have a problem with internet connectivity. I use NetworkManager with Proton VPN on an Arch KDE system. The wifi and VPN stay connected, but every once in a while the upload and download rates will go down to, at most, a few hundred KiB/s. The issue can be solved temporarily by disconnecting and reconnecting the VPN, but as I've had a similar issue without the VPN before, I do not know whether this is a VPN issue or a NetworkManager issue.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Unfortunately, the wifi password issue still occurs, but at least it is even less frequent than before (>1 day between password requests).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I restarted my system. All of my configurations should be equivalent to those in the wiki. I'll reply again if the issue still occurs in a few days.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I do indeed have plasma-meta.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

The issue still occurs, but not nearly as often as it did before.


Hello! I use an Arch Linux distro with KDE on an ASUS X570 board that has built-in wifi. The issue is that I can't for the life of me get the wifi to work without asking me for the wifi password what feels like every hour. The hardware is active, the software is active, Network Manager is active, the wifi profile is fine, the SSID is fine, the security type is set properly, the password is saved and set to use for all users. I've tried restarting Network Manager, installing Network Manager with iwd backend, updating my system, restarting my system, and using nmtui to force home wifi.



Can anyone explain what voodoo magic Bethesda used to make Starfield, a game that usually runs below 30fps on my pc, feel like it's running above that? I mean, not even Nintendo on their own console has achieved this feat.

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