Wait, vietnam, forcing nuclear tests on unwilling island population, the tatcher years. The LITTERAL HOLE in the ozone layer (hey, we fixed that one yay us, just for this one bit, the climate is still fucked). Not saying your feelings are invalid, but you are cherry picking what 70s, 80s and 90s means to you, it is not a full picture of how bad it was for bunch of people. yes, stuff were cheaper back then and some people could afford house, but misplaced nostalgia past some cultural artifact isn't really acknowledging the continuity of how shit human can be to each other for made up reasons.
One could argue that so called "traditions" they are holding so much dearly in their heart never was fully a thing and is just the product of past idealizations and marketing propaganda. "The perfect suburban american trad family" from the 60s is a construct made by marketing people to sell fridges, diamond and beautiful car.
You are making some hahaha, rofl joke and all. But it's a matter of influence power. France has a decisive input in climate policy. New laws and regulations locally can compel neighborss, they can wager at the european level to make united move toward more ecological stances (like the current ban on new petrol car being sold after 2035). Europe is such a wide market that regulation applying there can shift entire industries
Being french, defenestration is a word that is somehow common knowledge and this amaze me.
There should be an encompasing circle that says Brook from One Piece
Let's trust all our saving to this dude making random decision, wannabe memelord, who just sank 40 billion of his own money on a bet. All that just to take revanche on PayPal who threw him out of the board because they didnt trust him and his idea to have a company called X
Yeah, that was better, i can only agree on that one. But listen if you can't get the argument that nostalgia is a distorded depiction that isnt reality, I won't insist. Have a good one stranger from the internet.