I think they understand the sarcasm but they been offended by it.
I have a Xiaomi with no Snapdragon, so alternatives for my phone
I wish this was an option somewhere on my android. I have to use the scheduled off/on instead but this can be easily disabled.
You won't generate traffic on embedded posts and you won't inadvertently open the site clicking on links
Yeah dude! Tell them! Also tell them what was the normal operations at the time! And what are Russia and China doing today!!!
Vance is also directly out Peter thiel pocket or other areas around their crotch
Maybe but then through X they can collect fees
They do not care. They are the worst people this side of Pol Pot and Stalin and still get all the votes for the republican party.
I think we should collectively block twitter on our routers and be done with it.
The Bell riots are on the menu, boys!
I didn't even know it existed