
joined 5 days ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Awesome, thanks for the tips! Just have to figure out a way to transfer the screenshots to my PC though, as I only sign in to gaming accounts on my Deck.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (4 children)

How do you get these screenshots? I'd show mine but have no idea how to capture the game mode UI.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

I don't need fancy stuff, I just want good movies to see. I'd also love to see more shows get theatrical releases, at least for season finales. "Survival Sunday" for The Walking Dead was great: season 8's epic finale and the intro to a new era of Fear, all before it officially aired, and participants got a limited edition poster.

The Chosen has also been airing entire seasons in theaters, split into three parts, before it heads to Prime Video and then their free app. They also have a Christmas special with a special episode and musical performances of Christmas songs.

That sort of stuff is what I enjoy but I'm not going to the theater to see mediocre movies (which is basically all Hollywood is making these days).

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

Probably Plasma because it's familiar and you're able to customize it extensively over time.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago

That's certainly an option for anyone who has tried Linux and is unable to use it for one way or the other.

Problem is, many haven't tried Linux for one reason or another and they continue to complain about stuff like this without even trying to move away from Windows.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 days ago

You realize that PC stands for "Personal Computer", right? As in MY computer. My property. I should be free to use a local account without issue. I should be free to value my privacy.

This is why Linux is growing faster than ever. It actually understands what personal computing is.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Lol yeah, I could've said SAO but I think I'd have gotten boatloads of hate for that hah.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Native Linux support is always preferable if the developer can handle it or has the budget to do so. However, as long as it works well via Proton, that's the important part. I don't follow him anymore due to several reasons but Gardiner Bryant has a video about this, it's a pretty solid watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uScsmjvdwyo

[–] [email protected] 35 points 4 days ago

Love to see it. I haven't used MS Office in well over a decade at this point and I have no plans to go back. LibreOffice is fantastic, suits all my needs, doesn't pack itself with bloat and it respects my freedom and privacy. What more can I want from an office suite?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I'm still relatively new to anime, having hated on it for my entire life until I actually gave it a chance in 2021, so keep that in mind with my list. I also have a hard time going in numeric order so these are my unordered top 10.

  • Ghost in the Shell (the whole franchise)
  • Cowboy Bebop
  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes (specifically Die Neue These)
  • Attack on Titan
  • Spy Family
  • Anything by Makoto Shinkai (especially Suzume)
  • A Silent Voice
  • A Sign of Affection (don't judge me)
  • My Happy Marriage (again, don't judge me)
  • Demon Slayer (reluctantly)

I say reluctantly on Demon Slayer because I have my criticisms of it, but the animation and the overall concept are really enjoyable. I just don't like the super tropey "WaTeRbReAtHiNg 254th FoRm! MeNtAl ExPlAnATiOnS!" thing. I know that's pretty common in anime but as a writer and former hater, that still drives me nuts. Show, don't tell.

As for the two "don't judge me" ones, I say that jokingly because my preferences are typically for mature, complex narratives more than romance stories but I feel like both of those are really maturely-written for romance anime. A Sign of Affection was utterly wholesome and My Happy Marriage's Cinderella archetype with magic systems and mild political drama is pretty fun, especially given how gorgeous the art is.

As for GITS, that was my gateway to anime in general. After loving Cyberpunk 2077, I wanted more cyberpunk-themed media. GITS was one of the top recommendations so I decided to break down my barrier and check it out. It ended up completely changing the paradigm for me when it came to anime and it's still probably my number 1 simply because it's so heavily philosophical and beautifully-made.

LOGH Die Neue These was a funny one for me because one of the first anime shows I ever had recommended to me was the original one from the 80s. I couldn't find anywhere to watch it (legally) and so I never really gave it a go until I got a Crunchyroll sub for a bit in late 2022/early 2023. I ended up semi-bingeing it and I really loved it, the story was great and the setting had all the right classic Star Wars vibes for me (but with a more complex plot behind it all).

AoT became a favorite for me because I was looking for something to give me at least some of the same vibes that Avatar: The Last Airbender did, in terms of the epic scope of it all. Aside from a very awful first half of season 4 (screw Gabi), I really loved that one.

A Silent Voice is a masterpiece, not just of anime, but of storytelling. Not many stories can deliver me a true gut punch but that one did. Same with Shinkai's works, all of the ones I've seen have been phenomenal stories with some of the prettiest art and animation I've ever seen.

Bebop is pretty self-explanatory given its reputation. Aside from a semi-underwhelming finale, the world building was great, the art is still some of my favorite and the plot was remarkably well-written.

Finally, we have Spy Family, which is just about the funniest and most wholesome piece of media I've ever seen. That one, I've even succeeded in getting some family members into, to the point where I didn't even have to see Code White alone because they wanted to see it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Do films count? If so, I'd go for Makoto Shinkai's 2022 work, Suzume. Loved it so much that I broke down and bought the special edition box set even when I didn't really have the cash to spare. Not only is its plot a really enjoyable adventure that dives into the myths behind Japan's earthquakes but it also is probably the most visually appealing film I've ever seen.

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