
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

So beyond the fact that they are everywhere and the mass data harvesting that they incentivise I hate particular types of adverts, particularly in TV

  • There's the type that tries to connect their product to something you care deeply about, like family. A common one is the scene of a family reunion, sons and daughters coming home for Christmas, everyone is happy and indeed I connect with that deeply. Then comes the reveal, its fucking oven chips, or candles or some other inane shit. I know why they do this, but I find it deeply insulting, trying to tag their product to my fondest memories, fuck off.

  • Second there's the Freaky/edgy/bizarre ones. As desperarly as it can the advert will try to be as novel, crazy and outright surreal as to force its way into your head. They try to make the action on screen so crazy that you cant help but pay attention. This is a more brute force approach and tries to burn itseld into your memory, until you need a chocolate bar or some shit. There's one I remember where a woman was on screen with another mouth on her forehead talking, its a memory I don't want, again, fuck off

I hate ads because fundamentally they don't respect you, or anything you care about, its just about the money in your wallet.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 month ago (3 children)

"The new aspect ratio is worse at triggering tablet app layouts in my use so far, something that the original Fold was the best in the industry with. Now, behavior is similar to the Galaxy Z Fold 6 and OnePlus Open, where you’ll often get stuck with a stretched-out phone version of an app."

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago

Keep (Kingdom) Practising (Phylum) Cunnilingus (Class) Or (Order) Face (Family) Getting (Genus) Sacked (Species)

[–] [email protected] 36 points 4 months ago (2 children)

The password auto generated by his software wallet used the date/time as the "random" seed for the password, so knowing the rough date he created it they were able to get it to spit out the same password again. So not very secure at all.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

Translation: Elizabeth, by the grace of God, Queen of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith to the great, mighty and invincible Emperor of Cathay, greetings.

We have received divers and sundry reports both by our own subjects and others, who have visited some parts of Your Majesty’s empire. They have told us of your greatness and your kind usage of strangers, who come to your kingdom with merchandise to trade.

This has encouraged us to find a shorter route by sea from us to your country than the usual course that involves encompassing the greatest part of the world.

This nearer passage may provide opportunity for trade between the subjects of both our countries and also amity may grow between us, due to the navigation of a closer route. With this in mind, we have many times in the past encouraged some of our pioneering subjects to find this nearer passage through the north. Some of their ships didn’t return again and nothing was ever heard of them, presumably because of frozen seas and intolerable cold.

However, we wish to try again and have prepared and set forth two small ships under the direction of our subject, George Waymouth, employed as principal pilot for his knowledge and experience in navigation.

We hope your Majesty will look kindly on them and give them encouragement to make this new discovered passage, which hitherto has not been frequented or known as a usual trade route.

By this means our countries can exchange commodities for our mutual benefit and as a result, friendship may grow.

We decided for this first passage not to burden your Majesty with great quantities of commodities as the ships were venturing on a previously unknown route and would need such necessities as required for their discovery.

It may please your Majesty to observe, on the ships, samples available from our country of many diverse materials which we can supply most amply and may it please your Majesty to enquire of the said George Waymouth what may be supplied by the next fleet.

In the meantime, we commend Your Majesty to the protection of the Eternal God, who providence guides and follows all kings and kingdoms. From our Royal Palace of Greenwich, the fourth of May anno Domini 1602 and of our reign 44.

Elizabeth R