Youre not wrong, but keep in mind that what you pointed is not the central piece of exploitation. The very relationship of employer-employee is where the fundamental mechanism id, for your wage is already you being stolen. You can tax all you want, remove all abusive loans etc, as long as labor work as is today, nothing will fundamentaly change. Employers take a very big cut of the value employees create, and thats where inequality begins
Sounds great actually. If you travel half around the world to kill starving people, you deserve to die
Dont even bother with those people. They are not uninformed, they know what is happening and they lie on purpose
Big defeat for the workers. If capitalists were this motivante to end this strike so soon, then the workers could have asked for much more. American labor movement is a joke
Some of you gonna die, but its a sacrifice im willing to make
Imagine if americans were as excited to shoot politicians as they get about shooting kids in school
Thats what everyone hoped for. For a long time. Wont happen
The world is already burning and the USA are the flames
The USA is collapsing
Ive been saying that Microsoft is becoming one of the greatest supporters of linux. Really cant think of another company that made so many ppl use linux
Great news