
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 month ago

Whatever the case, when a church closes as a religious institution, I hope that it can be repurposed to some other activity that is still community-building?

There's one church a few blocks away from here that went out of business a few years ago and is now being used as a homeless shelter by an area non-profit. I walk by it all the time and have seen the before/after. The property is finally being put to a use that helps humanity and the the neighborhood is much better off for it.

[–] [email protected] 42 points 1 month ago (2 children)

The AF also contaminated the groundwater in a large residential area just west of Spokane, WA adjacent to the Fairchild AF base. Until recently they seemed to be accepting at least partial responsibility but I wonder if that's now going to come to an end. It's not generally a wealthy area, lots of apartments and discount stores and has what I think of as a "military town" vibe. Apparently residents are largely dependent on PFAS-loaded well water and if the AF tells them to FO and be happy they've got anything to drink, they're screwed unless some other entity with deep pockets will come in and clean up.

[–] [email protected] 43 points 1 month ago (1 children)

It’s difficult for Vetrini to see the rhetoric espoused by right-wing media and not feel hurt. Since going viral, Vetrini has been subject to vulgar and offensive comments from people who disagree with her perspective.

“Those comments are really hard to deal with, mentally. The hardest part is my dad feels the same way as these vitriolic commenters,” she said.

But she still recognizes the qualities in her father that remind her of Walz. Those are what keep her maintaining a “complicated” relationship with him.

After her TikTok went viral, Vetrini called her dad to tell him about it – hoping to hear it from her first rather than a news show.

“He responded exactly the way I would predict he would respond. Which was to remind me that socialism will ruin America,” she said.

[–] [email protected] -4 points 1 month ago

Oh no, the Elites are succeeding with their Great Replacement project!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I don't understand: how would prohibiting LE from "administering" a rape kit to a raped minor "deny the state evidence" of who did the raping. Wouldn't LE still know who the rapist was, independently of whatever medical care the victim received?

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 month ago (5 children)

I don't know what's in a rape kit but I'm guessing that there might be something that could (with luck) prevent conception in a female child who's raped. Idaho Christofascist Republicans WANT rape victims who get pregnant as a result of the rape to be forced to carry the fetus to term. That's how they exercise power and control over women, and that's one of the main things that they get off on in life. This news post is absolutely repulsive but nothing surprises me about that Christofascist hellscape called Idaho anymore.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

Didn't know that. Glad to hear it. Let's hope the Dorito gets some.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Say it ain't so! I know DD formally changed its business name and nobody cared much (most probably ignored it and kept calling them DD) but damn if they cut off the New England donut supply the pitchforks would have come out!

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago (8 children)

Another f-ing right-wing weirdo, lovely. I haven't been in a DD since I was 10 and we don't have them here on the left coast AFAIK but if there was any kind of boycott by these freaks, hell I'd mail order a half dozen boxes (if they do MO) and share at the local food pantry. DD donuts are awesome, loved them as a New England kid.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 month ago (2 children)

TF. This scum should be rotting in some damp airless dark cell for at least 2x that term. Please tell me he won't be eligible for parole, or have access to the internet while on the inside.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

If he wasn't senile, I might think that he's assuming that his pronunciation "sounds Indian", and is thus just a continuation of his fuckwitted assertion that she "turned Black" (from Indian). But he IS senile, and I can't credit him with being able to string together an insult (that she's lied about her racial heritage) even as simple-minded as that.


Less than an hour after taking off from Phoenix on May 25th, the plane experienced an uncontrolled side-to-side yawing motion known as a Dutch roll while cruising at 32,000 feet. The pilots of Southwest flight 746 were able to regain control and the plane landed safely in Oakland, according to a preliminary report from the FAA.

“A Dutch roll is definitely not something that we like to see,” said Shem Malmquist, a commercial pilot who flies the Boeing 777 and an instructor at Florida Tech.

The Boeing 737 Max 8 jet involved in the Dutch roll incident is less than two years old. According to the FAA, a post-flight inspection revealed damage to a backup power control unit, known as a PCU. That system controls rudder movements on the plane's tail.


As the week draws to a close, clients of Cencora and The Lash Group have been submitting breach notifications to state attorneys general.

The Lash Group partners with pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, and healthcare providers to facilitate access to therapies through drug distribution, patient support and services, business analytics and technology, and other services. Their substitute notice explains that based on their investigation, personal information including personal health information was affected, “including potentially first name, last name, date of birth, health diagnosis, and/or medications and prescriptions.

With only partial numbers from some clients available, there are already 542,062 patients affected. When full numbers are revealed, the grand total for this incident will likely be significantly higher. (See UPDATE below)

Update 1: Added Johnson & Johnson entries and Abbott entry, bringing current partial total affected to 717,723 for 18 clients.

Update 2: Added Amgen, but no numbers available, so partial total remains at 717,723 but for 19 incidents.


Trump is a fascist. But the mainstream political press doesn’t want to say it. They want to act like 2024 is just another election year.

With their obsession with horse-race coverage, political reporters tend to judge what Trump says or does by whether his words and actions will help him politically. By doing so, the press is saying that Trump’s racism, corruption, criminality, and insane abuses of power matter only so far as his electability.

There are exceptions: major news organizations, including the New York Times and the Washington Post, have done some important stories about Trump’s dictatorial plans for a second term. But those investigative stories are drowned out by the chorus of horse-race stories — sometimes published on the same days and by the same news organizations behind more substantial coverage.

The media is sleepwalking.

I’ve often wondered how the press, both in Germany and around the world, failed to see Hitler for the monster that he was before he gained power. After Trump, I think I understand.


Two years ago, some incumbent Republicans lost primary elections to challengers to their right, marking the growth of hard-line conservatives in Idaho politics.

Those legislative victories bolstered a far-right voting bloc at the Statehouse and strengthened the Idaho Freedom Caucus, whose membership and influence have fought with and sometimes swayed the state’s red majority. Far-right lawmakers have endorsed fringe views and proposed passing a range of bills, like ones to outlaw COVID-19 vaccines, limit same sex marriage or pursue the phantom of growing cannibalism.

Now, a set of legislative candidates with extreme views on abortion, COVID-19, the 2020 election and gender-affirming medicine who would be new to the Capitol are running in the May 21 Republican primary.

As Republicans clash in competitive primaries, these challengers in Treasure Valley races have expressed hard-line views, shared misinformation or perpetuated conspiracy theories prominent in far-right circles.


A medic who worked at Sde Teiman's field hospital said that Palestinian detainees there are stripped "of anything that resembles human beings" and that the harassment and torture are done not to "gather intelligence" but "out of revenge" for the October 7 attacks.

Israel has detained thousands of Gaza residents since October, with many of them held under a recently amended law that empowers Israeli authorities to imprison people indefinitely without charge or due process. Human rights organizations have documented Israeli forces' brutal and degrading treatment of Palestinian detainees, including women and children.

"A 19-year-old detainee told an Al Mezan lawyer that he was tortured from the moment he was arrested," the group said. "He described how three of his fingernails were removed with pliers during interrogation. He also stated that investigators unleashed a dog on him and subjected him to shabeh—a form of torture which involves detainees being handcuffed and bound in stress positions for long periods—three times over three days of interrogation. He was then placed in a cell for 70 days, where he experienced starvation and extreme fatigue."


A resolution called for ending the ability to vote for U.S. senators. Instead, senators would get appointed by state legislatures, as it generally worked 110 years ago prior to the passage of the 17th Amendment in 1913.

“We are devolving into a democracy, because congressmen and senators are elected by the same pool,” was how one GOP delegate put it to the convention. “We do not want to be a democracy.”


An arsonist set fire to the door of U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Burlington office Friday morning, briefly trapping staff inside, according to police.

Nobody was injured, authorities said, and the senator was not present at the time.

According to the Burlington Police Department, an unidentified man entered the vestibule outside Sanders’ third-floor office on Church Street at around 10:45 a.m. and sprayed “an apparent accelerant” on the door. The man lit the accelerant, prompting “a significant fire” to engulf Sanders’ office door and a portion of the vestibule, police said in a press release. The man then fled.

The blaze impeded staff members’ egress from the office, police said, “endangering their lives.” The building’s sprinkler system extinguished the fire. Firefighters and police officers evacuated Sanders’ office and those nearby.

The Burlington Police Department released an image of a man it identified as a suspect in an alleged arson attack on Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Burlington office on Friday, April 5, 2024. Photo courtesy of the Burlington Police Department

Police said they had not apprehended a suspect and had not identified a motive. They released photos of a man they described as a suspect and asked for the public’s help in identifying him.


Members of the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol have warned America for three years to take former President Donald Trump at his word.

Now, as Trump is poised to win the Republican presidential nomination, his criminal trials face delays that could stall them past Election Day, and his rhetoric grows increasingly authoritarian, some of those lawmakers find themselves following their own advice.

In mid-March, Trump said on social media that the committee members should be jailed. In December he vowed to be a dictator on “day one.” In August, he said he would “have no choice” but to lock up his political opponents.

“If he intends to eliminate our constitutional system and start arresting his political enemies, I guess I would be on that list,” said Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose). “One thing I did learn on the committee is to pay attention and listen to what Trump says, because he means it.”

Lofgren added that she doesn’t yet have a plan in place to thwart potential retribution by Trump. But Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank), who has long been a burr in Trump’s side, said he’s having “real-time conversations” with his staff about how to make sure he stays safe if Trump follows through on his threats.

“We’re taking this seriously, because we have to,” Schiff said. “We’ve seen this movie before … and how perilous it is to ignore what someone is saying when they say they want to be a dictator.”


"Stand where he tells you to stand, wear what he tells you to wear, and do what he tells you to do."

This is the wedding night advice offered to brides by Josh Howerton, a senior pastor at Lakepointe Church in Dallas, Texas. Lakepointe, according to the Dallas Morning News, is one of the biggest megachurches in Texas, with over 13,000 people a week attending its main location. The church itself cites a number over 40,000 a week, between its six campuses and online services. Howerton opened Sunday morning services on February 25 with this paean to sexual coercion.

Claiming that the bride has "been planning this day her whole life," and so the groom should indulge her: "Stand where she tells you to stand, wear what she tells you to wear, and do what she tells you to do. You'll make her the happiest woman in the world."

Then he hits folks with this counterpoint: In exchange, the bride should take a submissive role in what he pointedly calls "his wedding night," to "make him the happiest man in the world." (Howerton did not respond to a Salon request for comment.)

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