
joined 1 year ago

Greetings to all fans of fractals, shaders, and the Godot Engine. Once again, I've prepared one of many algorithms for creating interesting effects that you can add to your game or perhaps use as a live background for a music video. Let's see how it works.


Hi everyone! Do you remember the video about detecting edges using the Sobel operator, which we enhanced by using Gaussian blur? One of the drawbacks of Gaussian blur is that it's somewhat computationally intensive, which can pose some performance issues for our game if we want to apply such an effect in real-time. In this video, I will demonstrate a much faster way to blur our sprite or the entire screen.


In this video, I will demonstrate how we can easily insert 3D models or complete 3D scenes into the environment of our 2D game in Godot 4. Let's see how this is done using the SubViewport node.


Hi everyone! As you may recall, in one of the previous videos, I was creating snow particles in a 3D scene. This time, I would focus on a similar effect, but instead, it would be in 2D, and it would be rain particles.


Hey everybody! In this video, I would like to demonstrate how we can enhance the effect that we know from the very first video about shaders that I recorded for this channel. The enhancement will consist of displaying something like continuous plasma instead of rippling lines, for which we will use very similar calculations. Let's get started.