I was still lurking there but not so long ago it just died. The subs I was looking at stopped updating. There was no point going back.
It's definitely step in the wrong direction and knowing Google, they will not stop here.
A chord keyboard uses combinations of keys, like chords on a piano. You have fewer keys so you can type with one hand. I'm not 100% serious about it, learning curve would be horrendous. But it would be interesting to try. I used blackberry for a long time and I hate screen keyboards.
And yes, looks like I found one while looking for examples :) It's $175 on ebay, bit expensive.
Yeah, that's a lot of work with tools I have no idea with. Definitely a fun project but I don't have the time.
Here's what I want: tiny, one handed bluetooth chord keyboard.
For typing on my phone. Can someone make one?
Yeah, I don't think you can argue with gestapo. Police is not going to stop gestapo either.
I lost my hope when it comes to Linux phones. They will never get the app support Android has so you will have to run some kind of Android emulator anyway. If you think GraphaneOS has app and notification issues imagine what issues will this cause. I thought that Pinephone will at least solve hardware issues (as in that we will see a lot of clones and it will be easy to get some Linux phone hardware) but even this didn't happen. So we still have no hardware nor software. Sadly Android is the only way to go. When google closes the source code we'll be fucked.
Yeah, ideally you would just use a dumb phone or some Linux phone.
Worst thing you can do is to use stock Android with Google account connected to everything (gmail, contacts, gpay, maps, calendar, play store).
Work profile is a great compromise, a lot better then using an iPhone.
People get addicted to paid apps and services and then complain they can't escape the ecosystem... I never paid for apps through Google, never used Google account on a phone. Programming learning: hackerank, codewars and dozens more available for free on the web. Video editing: Kino, Openshot and banch more available for free on desktop AI chat: Claude subscription Art generator: OpenAI on web Audio editing: Audacity, LMMS and a lot more
Oh, but those are not as convenient as your paid Android apps? Ok, call it by it's name than: you're paying with your privacy for convenience. If convenience is more important to you that's fine, just don't complain about lack of privacy. You can't have both.
Remember? I still got one.