Ich denke es wird zu einem Großteil darum gehen Habeck in den ganzen Talkshows zu platzieren. Der kann wirklich gut erklären wie und warum schwierige Entscheidungen getroffen wurden und je mehr ich dem Mann zuhöre, desto kompetenter finde ich ihn. Das wird (hoffentlich) das Wahlergebnis stärken und grüne Politik leichter verdaulich machen.
couldn’t be bothered to give a shit
Which means they chose this too. The only people without any culpability are the ones who voted for Harris or who for many reasons were not able to vote.
Doesn't mean that the people who did not vote are as much at fault as the ones voting for Trump, but they share part of the blame.
Americans HAVE their country, this is what they want, this is what they voted for. Stop treating Americans as if this is something pressed upon them. They chose this. Now they will live with the consequences.
Still the same, electoral college are the ones voting for the president, not the people, the latter only elect the electors, not the president. GOP will likely produce a new candidate and electors will decide between them and Harris and most likely elect the republican nominee. Theoretically the electoral college could still vote for Harris, some states can have Faithless Electors.
Doesn't mean anything if he dies of natural causes, the party that believes in jewish space lasers will cry wolf anyway.
President Vance 🤮 with a pretext to hunt down political enemies
Kurzer Hinweis darauf dass diese "Super Blitzer" Gurt und Handy am Ohr erkennen indem die Bilder per KI ausgewertet werden. Es gibt Berichte davon, dass Leute da wegen Handy am Ohr belangt wurden obwohl sie kein Telefon in der Hand hatten sondern sich nur am Gesicht kratzten. Unter Umständen kann die KI Verstöße komplett herbei halluzinieren.
Das soll eigentlich abgefangen werden indem ein Mensch nochmal sämtliche erwischten prüft, aber die Erfahrung zeigt dass diese Kontrolleure sich nach einiger Zeit so gut wie immer blind auf die Arbeit der Maschine verlassen und da wo sie das nicht tun, tun sie das um genau den Bias (unter Anderem Rassismus) den die Maschine eben beseitigen sollte wieder ein zu führen. Man bekommt also das schlechteste beider Welten, yuchei!
Geschwindigkeitsblitzer und Abstandsblitzer finde ich ja sogar gut, aber bitte nicht diesen KI-Müll.
Simiiformes is a clear and distinct clade.
There is no such thing for trees, because "tree" is a botanical classification, not a cladistical one.
If baboons and macaques are monkeys, and if howlermonkeys and spidermonkeys are monkeys, humans MUST be monkeys.
Because they can ONLY both be monkeys if their common ancestor was also a monkey and we share that very same common ancestor. In fact we are closer related to macaques and baboons than to spidermonkeys, which means we share a more recent common ancestor with old world monkeys than both us and the other old world monkeys share with the new world monkeys.
Cladistically, you can not outgrow your ancestry.
Humans are apes, apes are a subgroup of monkeys, monkeys are a subgroub of primates.
No Llama song, very disappoint.
If you count the election as the biggest possible poll, that let's you infer which way the non-voters would have gone.
And if you are a non-voter, that means you have declared the eventual outcome as your preferred outcome, since you did not vote otherwise.