
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

When you are out of anecdotal evidence, just scream that the opponent is moving goal posts.

I'm all for phasing landlords out of society, but DAMN! Idiots like you really make it hard to take your side.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I think you may have read the data wrong, in two places it says

Most rental properties – about seven-in-ten – are owned by individuals, who typically own just one or two properties, according to 2018 census data.


Businesses own larger shares of units because individuals, while far more numerous, tend to own one or two properties at most, while businesses’ holdings are larger. In fact, 72.5% of single-unit rental properties are owned by individuals, while 69.5% of properties with 25 or more units are owned by for-profit businesses.

The first sounds like most (read: more than 50%) do, but, and I may be reading the census data wrong, it seems like less than 20% own a single property for rent. The use of typically would indicate that most do, but they don't actually include the data in the article, which is odd and worrying.

The second also looks like it agrees with your assessment, but it actually kinda says the opposite- 72.5% of people who own single units for rental are individuals. This is surprising because it means there are 27.5% of single unit properties that are owned by businesses. However, it doesn't mean that 72.5%, or even 50% of individuals (individual landlords) own a single unit to rent.

This article all comes from the 2018 census, when the 2021 census is also available, but I wasn't able parse either very well.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

...not immune to electrical shortages due to heavy water exposure.

Well, maybe they should keep their cars out of nuclear reactors!

[–] [email protected] -3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

If you rely on others...

Yeah, I'm sure you formed that opinion on a factual basis that you found through no help from what others posted or said. When I want to learn something, I do research on books and online media. When I want to understand someone's opinion, I ask them. If you don't know the difference between those two, your problems stem way earlier than "after school".

You sound like the closeted book nerd that doesn't understand public opinion. Like all the people on Twitter who once read something about "blacks are more violent than other races", and if you ask them why they think that, how many stats they read that confirm that, possibilities of other reasons for a study's conclusion, they respond with "It’s not the rest of the internet’s responsibility to do your research for you"- sound familiar?

If you want to accuse this "intensely human" person of lying, just do it. But claiming that anyone who hasn't seen an example within thousands (tens of thousands? hundreds of thousands? Only been around for 2 months, but millions of site uses) of posts of users being "tankies" just needs to "research" is obtuse and moronic. If someone makes the claim, surely they have an example, and don't expect everyone who sees this meme to read thousands of messages before continuing on their journey through !memes.

Except you, of course, who has clearly learned after school not to rely on others, so you must have read all of the comments from various hexbear users yourself, and not taken that opinion from some other poster's list, right? You did waste all that time before suggesting others do the same for no reason, right?

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Jesus Christ, is the copious injections of jpg needed for that meme to be funny?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

No one called them communist here, they are just calling out people who are apologists for genocide.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago

Halo excelled at being a FPS on console before auto aim and aim assist were a thing. The terrible, tank-like movement and super floaty, slow jumps would be trash in any PC FPS around its time. But having players move at Quake speeds in Halo would be frustrating, and no one would hit things in multiplayer.

Or would, on a game without modern control assist, anyways. Games don't tend to be as fast as they used to, and Halo has really sped up as a series, but it is still on the slower side.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

kbin cache broken again. Not a hawt girl this time :(

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Except this isn't part of the same general category. It's not a meme. At all. The only thing related is that pictures get posted in this sub, and you had a picture.

Could have posted in a Canadian or shitpost or 196 magazine or something.