Well, they wrote some letters. There's nothing more the nations law makers can do to protect citizens from corporate greed and price gouging. /s
WLFI has a current value of $0.0000000000034 USD.
That's about 3 billion WLFI for 1 penny. What a deal!
Didn't Google try this a decade ago with Google Glass, but recieved such a negative response over privacy concerns that it abandoned the project.
Am I remembering this wrong? Have people's views on privacy changed to the point where this is acceptable? Does Meta not have the features that Google did which prompted to backlash?
until you grow old
Really hope they mean "as you grow old".
Reading the article, it sounds more like Baris is making shit up to try and energize Trump voters.
This would make traveling to Italy so much more convinient.
Or if they get the wrong address.
Or if they don’t like your skin color.
Or if they don’t like your tone.
Or if they just generally feel like it while their body cams are “malfunctioning”.
Basically, if you want to kill people with impunity, become a police officer in the US.
Neither was a Democrat. The first was a Republican and the second was a former Trump supporter. It's conservatives that are trying to do the assassination.
“I don’t control Laura. Laura has to say what she wants,” Trump said. “I can’t tell Laura what to do.”
If he can't influence the actions of one of his supports that is physically near him, How does he expect to influence the actions of Putin, Zelenski, Netanyahu, and Hamas?
signed "Childless Cat Lady."
If these posts are made in a relatively short time then it could appear as spam. I browsing New is my default and, on a couple of occasions, I have blocked a user simply for being too active and flooding my feed.