Antibiotics aren't for viruses. Cold air doesn't make you sick. Tongues don't have "taste zones." Muscles don't have memory.
And because you threw up for one day, you didn't have "the 24hr flu." You ate something bad or someone didn't wash their hands. The flu is short for influenza, which is a respiratory virus, which typically does not make you throw up and shit. More likely it was the dodgy gas station sushi.
Let's keep going...
This is why I said "typically does not" instead of never. Some people's immune systems will go ape shit and get every possible symptom under the sun, and children's immune systems/reactions can be more stressed till they build some strength and have more exposures through life so their bodies learn how to handle them.
But if someone has a bad day that they're throwing up/have diarrhea (no stuffy nose, congestion, or other respiratory symptoms) then chances are they consumed something their body is trying to reject.