EDIT: Woops, got confused myself
The plural -s in Dutch only gets an apostrophe if the stem word ends on an open vowel. So it's cavia-cavia's on the one hand, but kikker-kikkers on the other (and la[de]-lades). So even in Dutch this'd be incorrect ;)
Reading the title I was genuinely worried they had done the Musk ~~Salute~~ I mean, Awkward Gesture.
Wilders apparently isn't 100% Trump's bitch. In Madrid, he said that 'Trump has caused an earthquake, though we may not agree with everything he does and says', which the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad mainly explains by him not wanting more money to go to defence than 2% of the GDP, and the tariffs, which can cause actual issues for the PVV in the cabinet, being essentially a 'free beer party'.