Because anonymous, but performant, network infrastructure is hard to configure (for non-experts).
You don't need the "literally".
And, while I'm at it, others may be revisionists, you lack nuance.
At a surface level, you're correct the Android re-design in 2008 was primarily because of the arrival of the iPhone in '07. The reason for the re-design was the inclusion of a touch-screen in Apple's hardware spec. Apple was not the first company to introduce mobile computing handsets with touch screens; that honor goes to IBM.
Android was founded in 2003, and was looking to come into the digital camera market initially, before their acquisition by Google. Then they were looking to compete against Blackberry and Windows phones. UI design experiences have been playing off each other since the beginning.
Apple doesn't solely define the market, and people who work for them wouldn't assert that. They define their niche, which is the smarter business proposition.
The iPhone still defines the market.
Nah. It's part of it. A big part. But the audience here is probably not really Apple's iPhone audience.
~~Make~~ Do yourself a favor
And that they're so hypocritical and self-aggrandizing that, as a group, they completely deserve their own impending self-inflicted extinction.
Politics, or more specifically, advocacy of a political philosophy is one indicator of someone's moral value system, sense of justice and loyalty, and basic epistemology.
I don't know how one pair bonds with someone who has very different attributes in that regard without compromising one's own values.
I would choose A with democratically regulated markets and complete co-op style ownership of the company.
I really don't think he deserves a free pass just because Reddit wasn't enshittifying while he was around, as it was in a growth phase.
You're critique of his moral rectitude is wrong.
Seriously, though:
What part(s) of speech should be limited beyond the laws (in the United States) we already have that limit it various ways?
Is it more or less a fantasy than the fantasy that every employer is able to pay the minimum wage?
If you need staff, but can't afford to pay them adequately, but also can't run it on your own, your business isn't viable, and you suck at math and pricing your goods and service(s).