
joined 4 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

I would not just say unethical. You have to consider multiple facets and situations. While yes it may not be best. Sometimes they have to feed children or otherwise. To put it simply most things aren’t black and white.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Just wanted to add something. Lying for Financial gain isn’t illegal it’s how you do it. Like people lie for Financial gain all the time.


[email protected] You asked me to record it! It was for sure my perception.


So I posted this but I’m guessing people can’t think outside of the box and or connect idea together very well. Though here’s a deeper detail and apparently to the moderator they couldn’t see how my last post was related to business. Then I’m guessing many people are missing what this actually means.

Original post

“In a world where life has shifted from the age of knights and mystical adventures to a different era, the essence of creating meaningful stories and legacies remains unchanged. The key lies in channeling deep and relentless passion into what you do. By dedicating yourself fully and pursuing innovation, you create work that resonates and stands out. It’s about crafting narratives and achievements that leave a lasting impact, inspiring others and contributing to a legacy of excellence and creativity.”

Well; it’s saying become innovative the times of legacies and quest aren’t over just evolved.

Passion and Dedication

Just in the stories I’ve mentioned of knights and dragons. They had relentless passion and dedication. Now let’s all say this together. To start a business or be an entrepreneur requires passion and dedication unwavering am I wrong?

Innovation and Legacy

When talking about creating a legacy a lasting impact just as these knights have. We look at companies pushing the boundaries of what I know and accepted and create someone an innovation wonder. Leaving a mark on history a legacy to be added onto. The most successful businesses are those that evolve with the time similar to how knights or adventurers faced new challenges and adapted.

Crafting Narratives: In business, storytelling is a powerful tool. Whether it’s telling the story of a product, service, or brand, crafting a narrative that resonates with people helps to create a connection. This connection can build loyalty, inspire customers, and help a business grow.


Hey so upcoming I have a meeting at the recruiter center and I was wondering do they actually test or do they care for things like weed? I heard from other place they don't for part time but ykkk kinda worried as I take almost 5-6 grams in edibles per day for medical reasons and so like within that reasoning if they drug test me when they hand it to me should I just tell them "like I'm gonna fail this for weed but I wanted to let you know that I will never bring it into the workplace and my medical team agreed it is beneficial to me and I am getting legal cannabinoids". Or something like, "I need advice, please?


I’m thinking of possibly looking at going to college for many PhDs. Mainly in the following. Business (Business Management, Advertising, Marketing and Accounting), Psychology, communications, forensic science and psychology, developmental biology, healthcare, biology, and more.


So I made this cover letter and thought it showed I’d be dedicated to their field and wanting to learn. While have experience and schooling in certain fields that may benefit their business. Then that I am really good with customers?

Though I showed my mom and grandma. My mom owns a photography business and my grandma used to do interviews for churches. My grandma said that it is absolutely amazing and perfect. While my mom simply just say don’t use it but literally won’t give any explanation into her thought process… so please can anyone let me know, would this be good to use for a job application or to take into the interview?

[–] [email protected] -1 points 3 months ago

Hahahaaa I’m just waiting for Plan A honestly. It’s a 10 year injection that is 100% effective. With blocking sperm but allowing everything else.


So I have decent experience within customer experience and sales for being quite young. Though back in high school through my 4 years I took 10 or more classes that were college courses and gave college credits. A mix between Business Management, Advertising and Marketing, then finally accounting. So I was wondering can I use any of these courses to influence Interviewers or would classes from high school like these not count?