Also to be fair, that was 300 years ago.
joined 1 year ago
just a cyber dystopia, missed out on the punk
Should probably be marked nsfw, that is a double dickhead after all
Time to see anime go back to being a niche thing for weebs only i guess
Then you may be in the wrong community buddy
Funny meme, but Google does in fact snitch, all the time. It's literally their whole business model.
Yea idk these down voters seem to not realise that 12% is a really high number here
Just a few more fronts and they'll combine into one, which is typically known as "the border"
sorry, that wasn't quite right.
that is truly an amazing ass though
Then I'd say he has an even bigger issue, being an idiot
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Playing the piano, or just singing at a professional level. Would be amazing to know, but takes years of constant practice and teaching to learn.