From insider leaks overuse of contractors was what put infinite in the mess it was in the beginning.. so they're just doubling down on using contractors instead of listening to the actual workers. It's a huge shame because right as 343 started to pick up steam with updates Microsoft started firing everyone.
Downgrading should be possible on steam via steam console commands. I noticed large collections on Nexus usually tell you to use some sort of downgrader program but I've always just used the steam console instead and been fine.
They're selling a single quest as dlc? I mean if you going to do dlc then at least make a full expansion.
Have you tried photopea? It doesn't have everything Photoshop has but it's been able to fit my needs
I can't imagine a ton of the people working there give a shit anymore when it seems like thousands of people are being layed off weekly while the company takes in billions in profit
Not sure why you're getting down voted. This is exactly what happened at my last company during the RTO push, senior employees, including me, were leaving in droves and it got bad quickly. As a result the company upped their salaries and offered fully remote work instead of just hybrid to keep people around. The only way a company will listen is if you hit them in their wallets.
Mine started out like this but eventually was replaced with gaming content and cars. Does anyone know how to get the porn back?
Ever since Games for Windows Live went down Lost Planet 3's multiplayer has been bricked. I know nobody cares but me but dangit Sony please fix it!
The Williams distro of choice is a single windows 7 machine with an excel spreadsheet containing all of the companies data
How difficult did you find the process? Over here we basically just go to the store and buy it after a simple background check. Even the background check seems to be avoidable if you do a private gun sale. At least this is how it was described to me by friends who have firearms, I don't own any myself.
I was a big American cheese hater until I had land o' lakes American cheese. Shits actually pretty good