
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

This has generally been my experience as well. I used to work as a retail manager at a cellphone store before moving to social services after the pandemic made me reevaluate my career. I had a more chaotic schedule due to the needs of the store, but having some flexibility was nice if I had a doctor's appointment or something similar.Working 8-5, Monday through Friday, with an hour lunch is awesome in terms of consistency and work-life balance, but it sucks having to use sick hours to do anything essential on a weekday. Additionally, as someone with depression and anxiety, if I'm having a bad week, 40 hours in 5 days can weigh heavily on me at times.Luckily, I was able to get a job where I can work from home full-time, which has made things much easier compared to a formal office. I think a 4/10 (4 days working 10 hours) or 9/80 (9 hours with every other week being a 4-day work week) schedule with an employer that allows some flexibility is the ideal arrangement if that option is available to you. Good luck at your future job!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I don't understand why any one Biden's side thought this was a good idea. Biden has never been a good speaker I believe mostly due to his stutter. The only thing Trump knows how to do is talk he's a damn salesman. I guess the hope was that Biden could string together some coherent sentences in order to hit back at Trump's lies and tout his achievements. I just think putting your candidates weakest trait against the other candidates strongest trait was a stupid risky thing to do from the outset with limited positive potential.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

I found out last doctor's appointment my vitamin d is insanely low so I started taking a supplement this week and it's made a world of difference already! Highly recommend trying it out if you feel burnt out and low energy all the time especially if you spend a lot of time inside. Its also relatively pretty cheap all things considered which is nice.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

Thanks for this info. I always kinda felt like I must be missing something. That is a significant amount of stuff to get done especially in the face of the insane amount of filibustering the Republicans did during this time that others pointed out. I mean I still wish more was done but it gives me hope that if we can somehow weather the storm of fascists that some good legislation can be passed in the future even in the face of opposition.


I've been wondering for a bit why during the time the Democrats controlled the legislature, executive, and judicial branches during Obama's first term in 2008 more wasn't accomplished. Shouldn't that have been the opportunity to make Row V Way law and fix the electoral college? I understand the recession was going on but outside of Obamacare getting passed which didnt go far enough it seems like they didn't really do much with all that power. Are there other important accomplishments from this time that didn't get the news they deserved? It seems like the voters have done their job in the past to elect people to fix things and yet we are still here begging people to vote to fix issues like abortion rights.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago

When I was about to go into high school I wanted to learn about cool music that wasn't just the classic rock my dad was into or top 40 pop music. I knew Pixies were cool because Kurt Cobain said they were cool and I liked Fight Club so I downloaded a copy of Surfer Rosa. That shit changed my life. It was so foundational to my tastes and opened up a whole world of independent music to me. Cloud Nothing's Attack on Memory was a big deal for me too... I'm gonna miss the dude. Thanks Albini, you made some cool music.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Nobody ever says this about mediocre acts that are really great people in their personal life. You'll never hear someone say "This song is kinda mid but thats because they recorded it while working at a refugee camp!"

[–] [email protected] 16 points 5 months ago

Life is a marathon not a sprint. We don't all have the same problems and we don't all have the same tools at same time to deal with them and that's ok. The value of you is so much more than just the accolades you receive or the money you earn. The meaning to your life is whatever you decide that meaning is not whatever is forced upon you. Remember to be kind to yourself. All anyone can do is try and be a lil better than the day before.


I'm heading to Phoenix, AZ next week to visit family and I was just curious if any locals would be able to recommend me anything cool to check out. I am already planning on trying to hit the end of spring training but don't have any other plans. I enjoy good food, art, geeky things like comic and games, and am also a LGBT but im open to any ideas!

[–] [email protected] 15 points 7 months ago (4 children)

This happened to me in Hollow Knight. I was pretty deep into it and IDK why but I dropped it for a bit. After like 6 months I went back and I could not remember where the hell I was going, any of the mechanics, and every generic enemy was murdering me bad. I really should give that game another try lol I was going to just wait for silksong and play that but... Yeah :'(

[–] [email protected] 16 points 9 months ago (7 children)

Thank You! Honestly I think one of the things I like a lot about lemmy, and the fediverse, is the ability to easily block users, communities, and whole instances I don't want to interact with a all. Everytime someone complains about seeing too many foreign meme or whatever I wonder if they have tried the blocking features to trim down the timeline.

[–] [email protected] 60 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

We did it Lemmy!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

That's awesome what a great idea! Nice Pratchet's books and the Hitchhikers series are great! Hope you find some stuff you enjoy. Getting back into reading has been one of the best things I've done in years and has helped my life in a lot of ways. I found what helped me get back into the habit was just keeping something to read with me when I had time to kill like waiting for food or an appointment, reading on my work breaks to give my eyes a rest from screens, and reading around an hour before bed to help my sleep quality. You'll be surprised how fast you'll go through a book I usually would end up reading about 30 mins to 90 mins today. Also if you don't like something by like 100 pages in just drop it. Trying to force myself to read things to the end I wasn't enjoying killed my desire to read. By dropping books I actually ended up reading more than before. I hope you enjoy some wonderful stories! :)

[–] [email protected] 21 points 9 months ago (4 children)

The best way to get back into reading is to go to your local libray, get a card, set up an the library app for ebooks, have the librarian recommend you something based on what you like, and start reading it. I got back into reading a year ago, have read about a dozen books, and haven't spent any money so far just by heading to the library. I personally like to have a book with me but if you keep your e-reader around and just read it during the times you'd usually check social media or your phone you'll get back into it in no time. I wish you luck!

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