
joined 5 months ago

With Texas being one of the top five milk producing states in the country, Hiland states that the new addition will allow the plant to better meet the growing demand for high-quality dairy products across the Lonestar state.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Politics does play a factor, but it is not the only factor. How much your money buys is multifactorial. Florida & Texas have similar politics, but Texas is better overall for your savings/value. Even if Florida is a low tax state; lower taxes than Texas, Texas has better overall geography, which includes natural resources. Many people don't know that Florida has a state minimum wage that is expected to reach the legislated minimum of $15/hr. Texas has no state minimum wage. Nevertheless, Texas has a lower cost, and higher median wages. The ability to build housing involves political will against property owners who want more expensive properties to sell in the future. In California, the people are protective of their properties, and houses as an investment. The local governments protect those properties in their appraisal growth. For some bureaucratic reasons, California, and their local governments don't do a comparable job in housing people compared to other states/cities. Regulations are often politicized, so yeah, politics is a factor.

[–] [email protected] -4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Actually, Texas is retaining the most people that relocate in the whole US. Once a person moves to Texas, it is extremely likely they will die a Texan. Also, Florida and Texas gain more high income earners than other states.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

Paying attention to the quote I have of your statement

I dont think its unreasonable to assume that the Russian military command genuinely believed the they were a lot stronger than they actually were when this started. Just based on what news I’ve been following, it seems like its very common for Russian officers to lie to their superiors about how strong their units are for the sake of looking good.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (3 children)

I dont think its unreasonable to assume that the Russian military command genuinely believed the they were a lot stronger than they actually were when this started. Just based on what news I’ve been following, it seems like its very common for Russian officers to lie to their superiors about how strong their units are for the sake of looking good.

Russia isn't part of NATO. Why is NATO contradicting itself with a narrative that Putin is out to conquer Europe, bring back the USSR, and claim here, it is too weak to do so on this front?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (5 children)

What a minute, didn't NATO say that Russia is trying to conquer all of Europe, and attack NATO countries, yet it doesn't have the numbers for a significant breakthrough in Ukraine. Something's fishy going on with this statement.... The psychological operations continue.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Zionism is extremist to liberal ideology; the idea that a people have a right to settle a land and create a country while dismissing the people who lived there for centuries. It is not that extremism took over Israel. The premise of Zionism is nationalism. It is the same type of nationalism that motivates an Argentine to claim the Falkland Islands. The only difference is Israeli nationalism is justified by theology. Similar to how Islam gives Muslims the right to "put civilizations to the right path". It is a matter of supremacy. Westerners cry about racism all the time, it is always on the news, something racist happened, a person is racist, while at the same time, they seem quite tolerant of supremacy in the Greater Israel region. While activist treat Zionism as some kind of special supremacy, it is just nationalism. The State Of Israel is a primarily Jewish. That is the whole point of in the foundation of Israel. The "People Of Israel" run the state. A Christian, a Muslim, a pagan, a non-Jew, are not part of the Nation Of Israel. If Israel is thought of in this way, it makes you wonder why American politicians, who preach about democratic liberalism being the correct order for the world, using this as a justification to blow people up, supports a nationalist country that is arguably, at the very least, of committing war crimes. I don't consider American civilian leadership particularly smart people, but most of the laymen do. American military leadership on the other hand do understand Israel is a liability, and this is from their cold military analysis.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago

G.I. Joe is the clown, and you are in his circus. If he doesn't say it is genocide, then it isn't genocide, and the Western news media won't call it a genocide either. The psy-ops continues.

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