so is it bad to store my 2FA backup codes as notes in those same login's bitwarden entries?
😔 now you've gone too far.
birds are dinosaurs
then we agree that it's incorrect to definitively say that a "palm tree" is not a tree.
rigidly defending the boundaries of a biological category that's not a monophylitic group is an exercise in futility. or maybe in linguistics, because if it's not monophyletic it's not "real" in an evolutionary sense and the question is in the cultural realm and somewhat subjective. It's like the discussions about whether a certain food is a fruit/vegetable/etc.
getting into plants was like this for me but only in natural areas because the vast majority of human placed plants in my area are non-native. like just living here is not enough, they need to do settler-colonialism with the plants too.
Could you elaborate on why Thinkpads that came after the 480 are no good? I'm looking to get a laptop and am probably getting a thinkpad. Is it the easily removable battery?
Do you mean T480?
I also don't get it. conservationists are upset because?...
maybe if we knew the video the images were captured from.