Fuck, now you made me have a loss as well. I am like -900 points in The Game.
Thank you all for offering advice. I did eventually get it working and repaired all the packages.
Nevermind I ran a script that looped through all packages in the output of pacman -Qk and reinstalled them.
I couldn't figure out how to mount /dev/sda1 and did pacman -Syu and then I mounted it once I figured it out now pacman says there is nothing to do.
Did systemd or grub not even show up?
Will this work from slax linux? I am sorry if I seem like I can't fix the issue myself seeing as you have given the resources for me to do so but what would be the exact steps to do that?
Thanks I might try that out later.
There is a difference between steady and small.
I ran it on my pc with a gtx 1070 with cuda enabled and compiled with the cuda compile hint but it ran really slowly how do you get it to run fast?
Perhaps nobody says they use it out loud although knowing vim users (and being one myself) they tend to be very willing to share how bad a mouse is for productivity while programming and how using vim is the ultimate solution. As for emacs I only ever have seen greybeards use it and it dosen't to have had much of a revival with the newer generations.
I personally don't use a RSSifier as all the sites I want to subscribe to tend to have a rss.xml or a atom.xml. There is https://rss.app/ which has rss feed generator but I am pretty sure it is not FOSS. Not to mention it uses AI and I don't like the idea of handing over all the websites I read to a third party company. As for FOSS you would be hard pressed to find one as it is an expensive thing to run. Best thing to do is send a message to the creator of the website you would like a RSS feed. It is not a hard thing to set up and they will probably do it at your request.
It about a comic called "loss" where which has the same character positions as the rectangles.