I can see arguments for both sides.
- Low-Development: Long lifespans lead to people taking a generally longer view on the present/future, and this leads to a lack of urgency in solving the problems of today when they will (hypothetically) be easier to solve with better tools tomorrow, only complacency means no one is making the better tools of tomorrow.
- High-Development: Long lifespans allow for greater accumulation and mastery of skill; Legendary creators with centuries, not decades, of experience create magnificent wonders almost beyond imagining, wise and aged theorists achieve greater intuitive leaps to new understanding than the short-lived could imagine, technology is urgently needed to automate away the mundane aspects of their craft so they can focus more on the visionary parts and contribute even more to society. imagine how much higher someone like NIkola Tesla or Frank Lloyd Wright could take their skill or art if they lived a thousand years instead of 75.