I work a weird shift, so my "morning" begins at about noon
- Alarm goes off, hit snooze a couple times
- Scroll Lemmy, news, check my messages, etc
- Shower, brush my teeth, shave my head if needed, get dressed
- Walk the dog
- Breakfast, make coffee, pack lunch, feed the dog her lunch (wife gives her breakfast at normal human wakeup times)
- If it's a work day, I'm out the door by about 1:45, at work by about 2:15, start at 2:30
Then at the end of the day
- Leave work at 2:30, home by about 3:00AM
- Walk the dog
- Maybe eat dinner if I'm hungry
- More scrolling or some video games until about 5, sometimes as early as 4, sometimes as late as 6
- Brush teeth
- Undress
- Feel around in the dark for whatever boobytraps my wife has left in the bed for me- laptop, phone, glasses, Kindle, charging cables, etc. and put them wherever they go
- Crawl into bed, contort myself around the dog, hug the wife
- Sleep
On days I don't work, the overall sequence of events stays mostly the same except I usually don't usually drink coffee or pack a lunch on my days off, but the times may shift a few hours in any direction. Breakfast gets more elaborate on my days off, and I'm less likely to have a "dinner" since I probably had a big meal for lunch/my wife's dinner instead of the usual sandwich I pack for work.