- Snooze my alarm at least 3 times.
- Finally wake up, check for notifications and end up scrolling for 15 minutes.
- try to get out of bed but instead snuggle my dog for as long as possible or until she needs to be let outside.
- drink whatever water I have leftover on my bedside table
- get up finally, pee, brush my teeth, wash my face, put on deodorant, do my hair & get dressed
- make a coffee
- leave for work. (If I don't work, skip steps one and two, and postpone some of step 4 for later)
- pour a glass of water for the middle of the night when I get thirsty.
- let the dog out to pee.
- go pee, brush my teeth, wash my face, get undressed.
- grab a handful of kibbles and give my dog brushes while giving her snacks.
- put in lip balm and hand lotion.
- play all the wordle games before midnight
- scroll for a while until I decide I'm tired.
- turn off the light.
- put on an audiobook for 15 minutes and hope I'm asleep before then.