This is why piracy persists, they will uninstall a product off your device.
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Why? Licensing stuff?
Seems likely, since its not a Nintendo published game.
It is of course licensing, licenses they can choose to change. There are many games not published by Nintendo and they stay, because it has been their policy, because it has never been interesting to stop paying licensing fees for old games
They are testing the reaction.
Not sure why you're down voted, I'd agree, seeing what they can get away with. Keep removing features and games, if no one cries, who cares, one less thing to worry about maintaining.
Ironically I've started playing this game with my son recently. I found this post because I wanted to know if anyone could ever score a goal in that game. I hope they don't start removing games I care about, but then again in that situation I guess I'll just stop paying for the subscription and that's more money saved.
There is so much backlash towards ubisoft etc for these practices, of course they want and need to know where and when it is fine to stop paying licensing fees.. It's a random game that probably nobody plays. They want to know if there is outrage. This is probably also why there is news coverage at all?
SNES ROMs are not hard to find. Just saying.
Yeah-- Nintendo would rather erase their games from history than have someone play it in an unauthorized way. This shit isn't new and why emulation has been a godsend for the general gaming community.
Well, in this specific case, it's not a Nintendo published game, so no one is stopping them (the actual publisher) to release it any way they like.
On the other hand, it's not likely that it would have been difficult for Nintendo to get or extend the license to keep the game on the service if they wanted to. I figure that if they're already discontinuing gold points, this is probably the first baby step towards winding down Switch Online on the original Switch in prep for the Switch 2. It would really help to have a launch date announced for the new console though.
For a game like this, I believe you are correct. Let's see if this is one off or they start removing games regularly.
I think they will announce the date in April direct. fingers crossed
Then you got EA making some of their games open source. It's like our timeline is backwards.
This is the worst way to handle licensing and push users to avoid those "offers" as much as possible.