I immediately went here to comment, as I loved Cats Eye. But I am shocked by the Disney+ Logo and all the negative comments here.
Now I fear that the remake will ruin an old favorite.
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I immediately went here to comment, as I loved Cats Eye. But I am shocked by the Disney+ Logo and all the negative comments here.
Now I fear that the remake will ruin an old favorite.
I haven't seen the original, but remakes are a bit of a touchy subject for people I think. Some work out great. For example, I have seen lots of positive comments about the currently airing Ranma 1/2 remake. Other times, you get a horror story like Berserk 2016. As always, I am hopeful that fans of the original (like you) find something to like in the remake and that it serves as a way to create new fans. Time will tell!
It’s a product of its time (late 70s, early 80s). I hope that it will remain so, and will not be “reimagined” to 90s, etc.
Wow, they really want to highlight the tits on this poster.
Having watched the original in the 80s, it's a big no for me.
Every time anime studios do this the new one just feels completely sterilized. The art style did a lot of heavy lifting of old anime. While a good story is always good, the new art style can really make an okay story seem worse.
Trigun, IMO, is a good example that suffered greatly from this. Even though the writing on a technical level was better in the new one, I still found the art style of the original made the original vastly superior overall.
While I am interested to see more, I am concerned this will follow the rest of modern "sterilized" anime. It feels like the difference between being in an Adventurer's Guild vs being in a Hospital.
I really hope anime doesn't fall into the same trap that Hollywood has in cranking out remakes of old IPs every couple of decades just to renew the copyrights.
It wastes scarce production resources i.e. animators, crowds out the market for new ideas, and even the geezers (like me) who watched this stuff in its time want to see something more relevant to the current times.
Fuck straight off