Favorites for this season are Pseudo Harem ED, Oshi no Ko S2 OP and Tower of God S2 OP.
Honorable mention to the Nokotan OP for the memes, and for the evolving credits for Tower of God S2, really like how they are a "season so far" summary.
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Favorites for this season are Pseudo Harem ED, Oshi no Ko S2 OP and Tower of God S2 OP.
Honorable mention to the Nokotan OP for the memes, and for the evolving credits for Tower of God S2, really like how they are a "season so far" summary.
One of my favorite openings and endings has to be the ones for Bye Bye, Earth.
Gotta say, big drop off for Tower of God's intros and outros.
So my favorite OPs and EDs this season are: