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Well maybe the democrats can just stop all of this nonesese and just post what the "real" numbers are every single time Trump/Musk put out figures like this.
I mean, Dems have the reciepts too. They have access to this. So let them post all the details. Every. Single. Time.
I hear them say "Oh this is bad, he's dismantling everything!" but I never see them showing audit numbers to disprove.
Come on, Democrats, step up! I'm all for the numbers being shown. I don't care what part shows them. I want the fucking printouts in the news.
They don't have access to this? You need auditors. Having a fucking nazi pulling numbers ain't shit.
I'd love to see Dems release numbers on this, but they just cry that Musk is lying, but offer no proof. Democrat politicians have even more access than Musk does.
They don't? They, unlike the gop have been following procedure. These need to be audited by A) and auditor, who B) is approved by due process, who C) isn't a corrupt nazi fuck. Id love to see the GOP not be shit bags but they just cry "drain the swamp" while making it more swampy, pulling the wool over rubes eyes.