Hi everyone!
I’m a Playstation gamer looking into moving to Linux gaming as the next Playstation might not be able to play physical games.
Here are my 2 computers:
MacBook Pro 2012 (upgraded) with Fedora 41

Surface Go 1 with Fedora 41

I bought Frostpunk on Steam after checking on Proton DB that it would normally run on the MacBook as I knew the Surface Go would probably be way too weak.
According to Proton DB it’s a Gold game.
In the end, no matter what version of Proton I use, it doesn’t launch on the MacBook. I have a black screen, some icy sounds and then it crashes at best..
I then thought, let’s give it a try on the Surface Go and it launched immediately without any tinkering using Proton experimental.
But, the game crashes when the firat cinematic starts, probably because it’s loading too many assets for the Surface.
If anyone has an idea about what to try too many get it working on the MacBook, I would be thankful.
In the meantime, I would want to know, how do you know if a game is gonna run on your machine?
With the launch option PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% provided by someone here, I managed to start playing and only noticed low fps and audio crackling. For now I also only tried it on Proton Experimental and 6.3-8 seemed to work better when I was just struggling to launch the game, so I’ll try to remember to update this post and Proton DB when I can get more time to play.
No info about "how to make sure game is gonna run", that is actually one of the reason I switched to console so many years ago.
BTW you don't have to worry about not being able to play physical games on PS, even if it doesn't come with optical drive by default, they will always sell the attachment. At least for next 2 or so generations (if not more), too many people with physical games exist.
I had the same idea and bought an Xbox many years ago. Had to send it back twice for red rings and I had games that literally wouldn't load properly. That's when I realized the "consoles don't have any problems" claim was a lie just like it is when people say it about windows or Mac.
They are machines, they can have any number of issues, but generally speaking, if a game is released on a console (and it works) then it will work for you too. No worrying about configs or system requirements.
The idea seems to be for most people that consoles are immune to problems. Which I saw counter examples to. I'd rather be able to at least troubleshoot if there's issues, which the Xbox made impossible
No arguments there.
Yeah the plug and play advantage of consoles is a big one. You just know that it’ll always run fine.
Well I guess you’re right about an optical drive being sold for a while, but I’m sensing that more and more games are gonna have no physical edition.
Also, to be honest, Linux gaming and the ability to have your game on every computer while being on an open system is also attracting me.
I think my perfect setup would be:
Just FYI, if you ever do get a steam deck maybe consider Bazzite instead of Fedora. It is based on Fedora atomic, offers a gnome version, is specifically optimized for a bunch of handhelds including steam deck and supports the game mode of steamOS.
I'm clearly gonna look deeply into this before eventually getting a Steam Deck. I was thinking about having a partition with Fedora Workstation and another one with Steam OS, but Bazzite might clearly be an option.
Yeah, I agree. I just didn't have any idea about your other question, and you didn't have any responses then so thought I should at least help assuage your PlayStation fears 😀
Don't be too focussed on needing to run Fedora for access to Gnome. The OS on the deck (Arch in this case) has the ability to run Gnome. It'll just be getting it working "right" that'll be a pain. I would have thought some people are already on it (even if just for a laugh). A cursory web search says it does work with some odd input issues.
That is the beauty of (and often the complexity of) the Linux ecosphere. You can change one thing, Fedora to Arch, and the other things "should" still work.
What do you think about having a Steam OS partition for gaming and a Fedora partition for admin? Would it be doable?
In a way I would prefer this instead of just getting Bazzite as I might miss on some improvements from Steam OS
I guess I don't see the need to os switch on the steam deck. Unless playing and switching is what you want to do.
If what you want is gnome, there are easier ways than a whole new OS.
If you don't specifically need Fedora, you can certainly install Gnome on Steam Deck with SteamOS, it just comes with KDE as a default.
Is it difficult to get Gnome on Steam Os?
Wouldn’t I be able to have a gaming partition with Steam OS and its desktop mode and an administrative partition with Fedora workstation?
I know I would be wasting some space by doing this instead of just getting Bazzite, but I would be reassured to just keep the basic Steam Os..