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Eh. Everyone on the right thinks that a shakeup of power in an over beaurocratic government is log overdo and brings the opportunity for positive change and the potential to root out (undeniable) corruption in the government. Everyone on the left thinks that the system in place deserves to stay and that marring it opens up opportunity for abuse. Also true.
The power is changing. Maybe it will be worse, maybe it will be better. The government was highly corrupt before, and probably will still be after this. Will it be more or less after power changes hands, no one can tell for sure. This has more to do what what kind of people affect change than the systems they are putting in place.
Let's not pretend like this is a black and white issue. The future is coming fast. We have to have nuance to navigate these situations. Instead of fighting over which power figure is gonna weld their mighty staff, we need our energy to fight for our own individual independence regardless of party.
I do appreciate some nuance and unity between sane people! I think the current happenings are introducing significantly more corruption and being quite open about it, it was certainly a problem before but the degeneration is massively accelerating. We can only hope sanity and ethics prevail and musk and trump lose power, and a more stringent anti-corruption culture arises from it. I don't think it's likely, but we can hope. I think it's far more likely that trump finds a way to stay in power and regardless of whether or not he does the structure and landscape of us government will be set up in such a way as to keep musk in defacto "leadership".
I hope things will turn out well, but with so much power in the hands of people who are not only extremely unethical but motivated to change the status quo to keep themselves in power, I have a hard time seeing how things could improve from here.