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Your dude wants to literally abolish the Department of Education, and your contribution is calling us fat.
Say one thing about the right, they sure know their electorate.
You gonna keep posting this without understanding what it says, huh?
The department of education is mostly just a pass through agency. Standards are set by the states. It doesn't take 4000 employees to divy up funding.
Or have the department of education set nationwide standards like most countries do.
Drive up the intellectual quality of the citizens and watch the country prosper.
Bush 43 tried having nantional standards and instituted profiency tests with no child left behind. Due to there being consequences for poorly performing schools and teachers, Obama capitulated to the teachers union and switched to letting the states determine tests and standards. Public school teachers may want what's best for students but the teachers union does not.
And now we have the insane voucher scheme that will further erode the average educational standards across the country.