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After the 2014 US-backed coup, several eastern Ukrainian provinces declared independence from the Ukrainian state, which they saw as illegitimate, including Crimea. Crimea wasn’t invaded by Russia, it invited Russia. Which seems to have been the right move, in retrospect, because Crimea didn’t suffer almost a decade of fascist paramilitary attacks like their neighbors to the north.
Imagine Putin put congressmen in Canada to take pictures with anti-Trudeau protesters who then forced him out, and were replaced with a French Canadian guy who was talking about how the English speakers are filthy infiltrators or some shit like that, and then they started talking about joining a Russian, explicitly anti-US coallition and putting nukes in the border.
Ontario and Vancouver would probably declare him illegitimate and secede immediately and they'd be correct to do so. Look at what Ukraine did to Donbas for 6 years, and how their Nazis had pogroms of romani people with full impunity, look at how they talked about ethnic Russians.
Fascists (and especially the US) love nothing more than throwing stones and hiding the hand and dumbass libs eat it up.
Anyone who’s actually been paying attention knows it was a coup backed by the US and perpetrated by Ukrainian Banderite fascists.