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Israel is used as a weapons testing platform by America. We are fighting a proxy war with Iran/China/Russia without risking American lives. Our proxies in the middle east and west of Russia act as physical separation and plausible deniability for our violent acts. The reason that the genocide is tolerated is because America benefits from the fighting. The Israel conflict acts as a forever war between our constant other armed conflicts, allowing us to generate income and research technology through private industry. We invented Israel to accomplish American goals in the middle east. To invoke the moral defence is to engage in a bad faith argument. The genocide is immoral on its face, but the language of power informs American policy decisions. Even the moral arguers that are allowed into the halls of power are allowed there as part of the production. That is manufactured outrage. Manufactured inso that the power forces allow the dissent to be visualized within their body to show fake deference to the filthy truth: power beats morals in America. Imploring moral righteousness from the powerful is useless. Worse than useless, it strengthens the powerful's play by making them appear tolerant. If you want change, violence and power are the language spoken. I do not support genocide and I do not allow my thoughts to be used as a tool of oppression by placidly stating the obvious. The correct action is action and fear of being able to do that action is the boundary of power. Imagine even saying that American cities should be bombed by their own inhabitants if the genocide doesn't stop tomorrow. You can't? That's power. If you're afraid reading this, that's power.