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Not if he's just arguing with you in a way that outwardly appears calm, even if a little shocked or disgusted.
As long as I get to tell him just as calmly to fuck off and leave me alone, and he does, we're good.
I believe in trying to enact compassion and peace. Most people are actually very similar and don't want to be bothered by angry people.
I beg to differ. Some people want to be trans. Some people think being trans is unnatural and should therefore be illegal. There can be no halfway compromise on these issues. There can be no reminding people "hey, we're all human, why can't we just get along" when one group wants another to stop existing.
I agree there, but the ultimate hope would be that we could just calmly remind them to get along. I think assuming you can is the best way to live in a civilised society.
I have just demonstrated why we cannot. Did you listen to a single word I said?
Are you sure you're not an LLM?
I don't see how you demonstrated why we can't.
As for whether I'm an LLM, I'm probably not able to convince anyone either way. That means we're close to the technological singularity. Many scholars and academics can speak similarly to me and make semi-decent arguments about technical topics.
That's only because you're high as a kite right now, dude. LLMs and humans are very easy to tell apart, because LLMs are orders of magnitude less intelligent. Ask an LLM to visualize something or solve a simple puzzle it hasn't read about before, it can't. Ask an LLM (heck, ask most Lemmings) to have an intellectual conversation like you and I had yesterday, they can't. The reason everyone is calling you an LLM now isn't because LLMs have gotten smarter, it's because drugs brought your intelligence down to their level.
Seriously, the stream of incoherent posts you've made in the last hour is the best argument I've yet heard against doing drugs. What kills me is you'll probably think you sounded smart when you come down, too.
I'm not smoking any weed right now.
You just assume I'm dumber than you based on your own internal logical rules, which are likely in turn based on Newton's Laws of Motion.
Did you get any dental surgery recently?
Looking at his comment history, it looks likely he is currently experiencing a schizophrenic episode. Like, not even joking or trying to be mean, just appears to be the case :(