
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 11 months ago

Streaming Lossless

[–] [email protected] 0 points 11 months ago

just use a throwaway private email?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 11 months ago (4 children)

Nice, GJ Phillies! Did Harper play? I know basically nothing about baseball.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Ok what's up with this one? It's like the 3rd Beef Stroganoff meme I've seen today.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

A classic. So many questions arise from this simple text+image post:

  1. Is this person's child named really "Strairdrac The Netherwatcher"?
  2. Is Strairdrac even human?
  3. Why does Strairdrac want to teach crabs how to read?
  4. Why is it considered forbidden knowledge?
  5. What other knowledge is forbidden?

We will never have all the answers. Still, the questions are themselves a sort of answer.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

That's so fucking metal.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

British people are real?


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1994067

Visually stunning and a brilliant cast!

The visuals are by far the most striking aspect of this movie. They're absolutely brilliant! I'm sure the black and white color-scheme and the odd aspect ratio play into this, but it's more than that; it's incredible cinematography, and it really helps tell the story and explore the intense emotions of the characters.

More than that, the acting is incredible, especially Frances McDormand, she really blew me away, though Denzel Washington was also fantastic. And Kathryn Hunter as the three witches was absolutely ridiculous, especially that scene where she continuously contorts her body... It really freaked me out, I loved it!

I thought the plot was great, but the pacing was a bit odd. The series of events, and the escalation of the situation felt somewhat rushed and disconnected. I've never read the original play, so I can't say if this is just how Macbeth is or if it's the movie.

What do you think?

Rating: 4/5

Arr 🏴‍☠️!!!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1738775

Hilarious and action-filled!

Finally managed to watch this movie, and the wait was worth it!

The music is impeccable (as usual), and the comedy is on point. The action is great as well, with tons of thrilling sequences with interesting character designs and well choreographed fights. The environments were also fantastic, with disgusting, slimy scenes everywhere, which really drove home the whole idea of "perfecting" the world being a complete sham.

The plot doesn't leave anything to be desired either. It's interesting and thrilling. The main villain does a fantastic job of being hateable! I thought it was great acting by Chukwudi Iwuji, really outstanding job.

The only thing I didn't like too much was the very notable lack of stakes. Well, obviously there were stakes, but I never got the feeling they could actually fail to get the job done. I never thought that they might actually lose, for once. On one hand, that kinda sucks, on the other hand, it's a comedy-action movie that has great comedy and action. I don't think the lack of tension is a big deal.

What do you think?

Rating: 4/5

Arr 🏴‍☠️!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1541244

Beautiful and emotional!

Such an endearing story, told in such a marvelous way. This is what animation is for, I mean, everything is so beautiful and fluid and whimsical. I particularly liked the mice, but the bears are cool too.

The music is also stupendous, gorgeous strings and piano throughout the film. The little sections when Ernest plays piano and violin for Célestine are so adorable, and it actually sounds great. The voice acting is incredible as well, so much emotion in every word!

I'm a big character guy, and the varied cast really sells this movie. I suppose one could argue that characters outside of Ernest and Célestine are a bit one-dimensional, in that they're stuck in their ways and consumed by prejudice, blind to the world and obsessed with the otherness of the other species. Still, I feel that they serve their purpose perfectly, and they're all HILARIOUS! Once again, the animation shines here, granting these characters a certain absurdity of movement to match the absurdity of their ideologies. It also lets Célestine show how persistent and determined to change Ernest she is with more than just her words, namely with her ability to appear from anywhere after being tossed out, which also makes for some absolutely hilarious scenes.

The messaging is on point, of course. This movie is from 2012, which is more than a decade ago, but things really haven't changed. The characterization of society as divided yet equal, and of how, fundamentally, the great divider is class rather than anything else (for which species is a catch-all stand-in), strikes hard. The pervasiveness of hatred rooted in fear, and the initial scenes showing how this fear is nurture rather than nature really struck a chord with me. Ernest and Célestine both struggling with authority figures and their expectations of them, of the role they were meant to take in their respective societies, really pushes this idea that the system is flawed and broken.

The ending was a bit underwhelming, perhaps. That's really the only negative thing I can point out. It felt like things were resolved very easily. It's a metaphor, and really it's a bit on the nose, but I guess I just wanted another chase scene...

What do you think?

Rating: 5/5


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1402187

Great concept, poor execution.

Everything that relates to the production value of this movie is subpar: the voice acting, the sound design, the animation... There's nothing excellent here, there's really nothing good here.

The voice acting sounds awkward at times. Japanese voice acting is known for being great, but here nearly every line feels emotionless, and the main characters sound like they're whispering very loudly instead of just talking. Which is something I can only assume is an artistic choice? I suppose it fits the theme of the movie but it sounds bad. Notably, Anzai Chika's performance as Kobayashi was actually pretty great.

The music and sound design on this thing is also not great. It sounds so quiet, so empty. Once again, this must have been by design, as it fits the theme, but it sucks! It makes the whole movie feel bland and faceless. Just because it's about a secret and escaping others doesn't mean the movie should be empty.

The animation is somewhat decent. It's not a very distinct style, and some frames look horrible. There's also some scenes with 3D animation that are very not good. Still, for the most part it's OK.

Still, this is definitely not a bad movie. It's a very interesting concept. Personally, I love time-related movies (like Tenet and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time), and the idea of being able to stop time for a short duration is cool.

The relationship between the two main characters is also great, and very engaging. Murakami's whole personality, or lack thereof, really made me think... I wonder if there really are people that act this way. Personally, I related to Moritani WAY more, feeling overwhelmed and just wanting to run away. Murakami's whole ordeal felt very odd to me, but it was still very emotionally compelling. I think it was conveyed in a very nice way.

The conclusion was a bit underwhelming though, probably as a consequence of this running for only 1 hour. Still, it didn't leave a sour taste in my mouth or anything, I just wish there was more to the story. I suppose that's actually a compliment to the plot, in a way.

^I^ ^related^ ^to^ ^Moritani's^ ^perverted^ ^tendencies^ ^too.^

What do you think?

Rating: 3/5

Watch on Crunchyroll!
Arr 🏴‍☠️!!!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1402187

Great concept, poor execution.

Everything that relates to the production value of this movie is subpar: the voice acting, the sound design, the animation... There's nothing excellent here, there's really nothing good here.

The voice acting sounds awkward at times. Japanese voice acting is known for being great, but here nearly every line feels emotionless, and the main characters sound like they're whispering very loudly instead of just talking. Which is something I can only assume is an artistic choice? I suppose it fits the theme of the movie but it sounds bad. Notably, Anzai Chika's performance as Kobayashi was actually pretty great.

The music and sound design on this thing is also not great. It sounds so quiet, so empty. Once again, this must have been by design, as it fits the theme, but it sucks! It makes the whole movie feel bland and faceless. Just because it's about a secret and escaping others doesn't mean the movie should be empty.

The animation is somewhat decent. It's not a very distinct style, and some frames look horrible. There's also some scenes with 3D animation that are very not good. Still, for the most part it's OK.

Still, this is definitely not a bad movie. It's a very interesting concept. Personally, I love time-related movies (like Tenet and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time), and the idea of being able to stop time for a short duration is cool.

The relationship between the two main characters is also great, and very engaging. Murakami's whole personality, or lack thereof, really made me think... I wonder if there really are people that act this way. Personally, I related to Moritani WAY more, feeling overwhelmed and just wanting to run away. Murakami's whole ordeal felt very odd to me, but it was still very emotionally compelling. I think it was conveyed in a very nice way.

The conclusion was a bit underwhelming though, probably as a consequence of this running for only 1 hour. Still, it didn't leave a sour taste in my mouth or anything, I just wish there was more to the story. I suppose that's actually a compliment to the plot, in a way.

^I^ ^related^ ^to^ ^Moritani's^ ^perverted^ ^tendencies^ ^too.^

What do you think?

Rating: 3/5

Watch on Crunchyroll!
Arr 🏴‍☠️!!!


Great concept, poor execution.

Everything that relates to the production value of this movie is subpar: the voice acting, the sound design, the animation... There's nothing excellent here, there's really nothing good here.

The voice acting sounds awkward at times. Japanese voice acting is known for being great, but here nearly every line feels emotionless, and the main characters sound like they're whispering very loudly instead of just talking. Which is something I can only assume is an artistic choice? I suppose it fits the theme of the movie, but it sounds bad. Notably, Anzai Chika's performance as Kobayashi was actually pretty great.

The music and sound design on this thing are also not great. It sounds so quiet, so empty. Once again, this must have been by design, as it fits the theme, but it sucks! It makes the whole movie feel bland and faceless. Just because it's about a secret and escaping others doesn't mean the movie should be empty.

The animation is somewhat decent. It's not a very distinct style, and some frames look horrible. There's also some scenes with 3D animation that are very not good. Still, for the most part it's OK.

That being said, this is definitely not a bad movie. It's a very interesting concept. Personally, I love time-related movies (like Tenet and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time), and the idea of being able to stop time for a short duration is cool.

The relationship between the two main characters is also great, and very engaging. Murakami's whole personality, or lack thereof, really made me think... I wonder if there really are people that act this way. Personally, I related to Moritani WAY more, feeling overwhelmed and just wanting to run away. Murakami's whole ordeal felt very odd to me, but it was still very emotionally compelling. I think it was conveyed in a very nice way.

The conclusion was a bit underwhelming though, probably as a consequence of this running for only 1 hour. Still, it didn't leave a sour taste in my mouth or anything, I just wish there was more to the story. I suppose that's actually a compliment to the plot, in a way.

^I^ ^related^ ^to^ ^Moritani's^ ^perverted^ ^tendencies^ ^too.^

What do you think?

Rating: 3/5

Watch on Crunchyroll!
Arr 🏴‍☠️!!!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1192960

A lovely story with incredible art!

The visuals really carry this one. The lines are beautiful, and the shading is very well done, it really gives every single page lots of depth. I love how Nakamura used empty space to give some pages this feeling of letting the words float in the air, while some others feel horribly cramped. It really enhances the reading experience.

The plot is nice too. There's a very sad backdrop to every interaction, and the way the main character (Mizushima) talks about life and death is a bit cringe, but there was still plenty of emotional weight.

It's a one-shot, so there's not much time to properly develop the characters, but I felt that things weren't particularly rushed.

I love the themes of loss, trauma, and depression, and I really appreciated how much everyone around the main character cared for him. Especially Hanamori, of course. Mental health is a very serious thing, and seeing how much Mizushima struggled with his personal trauma really touched me, but I think a lot of authors, when they try to tackle these issues, end up putting their struggling characters in seemingly hopeless situations where everyone is against them, and it's up to the main character to break out of their misery. Not here. The people around him care about him, and they try to help and support him, even if Hanamori was the main catalyst for his recovery.

I think that was really beautiful.

What do you think?

Rating: 4/5

Read on ジャンプ+!
Read on MangaPark!!!


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/1109255

One of the wittiest movies I've ever watched! It's hilarious!!

The animation is gorgeous, and the soundtrack is also incredible. The voice acting by Chloë Grace Moretz and Riz Ahmed is also spectacular, and even Eugene Lee Yang (of The Try Guys fame) does a very decent job.

The story doesn't leave much to be desired either. It tackles themes of isolation, not finding your place in the world, and discrimination, both on an individual and systemic level.

Though it doesn't actually address the problem of systemic oppression, preferring instead to scapegoat a single character.

Actually, that single element of the story really stung. It's clear that they went to great lengths to have a very diverse cast of characters, and it's obvious they're trying to be progressive, and this is meant to be a progressive story. However, I can't help but think that it's all posturing, if in the end all the systems that allowed such horrible mentalities to fester still remain intact, with only the "top dog" being taken down. You can't fix a system by removing an individual.

There's so much more I'd like to say about this, but I feel this isn't the place. Plus, this is clearly a kid's movie, a very good one with a deep message and complex characters, but still. I suppose the message is still a net positive despite such a massive blunder.

Additionally, there's a dance sequence in the middle that feels so painfully out of place I almost cringed myself to death. Thankfully it was very short.

Overall, I think this movie was good. It's not really gonna blow anyone's socks off, but it might make some people think, and it's very easy on the eyes and ears.

What do you think?

Rating: 4/5

Watch on Netflix!
Arr 🏴‍☠️!!!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago


God what a scam that shit is


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/719638

I don't like reviewing unfinished works, as I feel a poor landing can destroy a whole story, just as a perfect finale can justify anything. There are 127 chapters out, as of me writing this.

However, I feel that every second that I stay silent about this web-series is a second wasted, an utter affront to fiction, and a betrayal of everything I stand for.

If even one person reading this did not know of "The Nature of Predators", I command you to look into it.

This is pure brilliancy. An epic story filled with action, drama, tension beyond belief. Mystery, betrayal, political collusion, and romance spanning the whole universe... There is nothing missing!

I have racked my brain for any weakness in the story... Maybe the pace, or the prose, maybe the characters aren't developed enough, maybe the plot isn't compelling enough... But no. Everything is impeccable, a true work of art. And to think it's not even completed yet.

"The Nature of Predators" follows several characters, with different beliefs, motivations, and interests. Some characters only appear later in the story, some appear early but fizzle out, some we've had the pleasure of accompanying from the very start and to this day.

There are characters you are made to love unconditionally, and characters you are made to hate. Some that want ultimate good, but can't help their nature, and those that went against their nature for their own survival. Terror inflicted upon the innocent, BY the innocent. A world upside down.

I simply cannot describe the emotional weight of the characters. I'm not ashamed to say I've bawled while reading this. Straight up tears and snot.

And in all this chaos, different personalities and stories clashing all over the universe, somehow everything clicks. Every plot point is addressed, in due time, and never are you left high and dry wondering helplessly about the true nature of things. It feels like no stone is left unturned...

But the stones never end! There is always the next step, the next adventure, the next mystery, the next quarrel... It's a relentless journey into the cosmos, and it's expanse is unending beauty.

A perfect balance between closure and novelty, tension and release.

My words CANNOT do this work justice. I urge you to read it, or listen to it. Do whatever you can to inject this story into your mind, for you will not regret it.

That being said, it is HFY. I know that bothers some people.

Rating: 5/5

Read on Royal Road!
Alternatively, listen on Youtube:

  • Adastra has the best narration, but is currently almost 100 chapters behind.
  • Agro Squirrel Narrates is only about 10 chapters behind, but the narration isn't as good (IMHO).
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/543614

This is a SPOILER FREE review.

Horror done PERFECTLY.

"FROM" is creepy, desperate, and hopeful. Every second is crawling with this sense of imminent dread. Time is ticking, and ticking, and ~ticking~... And they can't escape. But they still hope that that might change.

The characters are brilliant. From father Khatri to Boyd to Jim to Jade, they all serve their purpose perfectly, and the more secondary characters also manage to flawlessly push the plot forward, as well as provide some much needed reprieve from the main storyline of the show. Because the main storyline is INTENSE!

The way the different personalities clash and slow things down, beautiful chaos. Even just the dynamic between the town and the colony house! The best part, really, is how much power is in the hands of the people, how much THEY control their life in the town. And how much one person can doom so many others.

Still, my favourite thing about the show is the very clear theme of family. That's what moves everything, they all lost family, and they all found family in that accursed town. I love that.

The audio and the visual are both great. Everything is set up magnificently to give the viewer that rising terror.

The only real criticism I have is the acting. It's not bad, but it's not that great either. I wasn't familiar with any of the actors before watching this show, but I'm not exactly looking forward to what they might do next. Still, it doesn't really take away that much from the show, since they do a good enough job of conveying everything that needs conveying; occasionally they knock it out of the park too.

This season left a lot of mystery to solve; more loose threads than I can count.

Watch on MGM+!
Arr 🏴‍☠️!!!

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