At this point, Linux native is almost more like reinventing the wheel. The people working on the compatibility layers have done so much work to make a windows game feel native that you can almost think of them as cross compilers in a weird gross way
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Original /r/linux_gaming pengwing by uoou.
Nowadays I view Windows as a gaming layer that has been bolted on the great Borg mothership that is Linux in the form of Wine or Proton in route to the goal of Total World Domination.
A bit like Embrace, Extend, Extinguish but in reverse, if you will. So it's fine.
Should Vale release a general Steam OS and folk move away from Windows en masse it's probably going to be worth it. Proton does a great job but a tested and supported Linux build will be better. Some solos do it, but I think it is more based in ideology rather than necessity.
Your time and effort as a solo is going to be limited though, testing and supporting a Linux build is going to be work, and if you want to keep things closed source you are not going to be able to leverage the community in the way open software does.
There might be steps you can take to be more compatible with Proton and/or Steam Deck, which probably would be a good idea, and give you much more effect for your time spend.
The days/weeks/months it would take me to add it and fix all the probable bugs it entails could be used to improve the game itself
Making a game multi-platform is improving the game. Massively.
The high level of skill required to write multi-platform games is why most studios don't bother: Windows developers are a dime a dozen but skilled multi-platform developers are rare. Have you got what it takes? Do you have the cojones to step up your programming game? Or are you happy to wallow in the slop with the rest of the Windows game developers?
Also, remember that Linux isn't the only POSIX OS. If you do your porting right, you get to support a shed load of other OSes for very little.
if a bug arises from using proton, it would cause the same issue for users that are forced to use proton.
just click the button that builds for linux. build for as many platforms as you can. if you cant fix all of the bugs due to time, then you'll become a better programmer for your next game and not make thise same mistakes <3
Well, it's not a quick game made in 3 months and then I go on to the next. I fully intend to support it and give my players the best experience I can. So it's not as simple as "click the export button", I have to actually commit to support the builds.
I think the only big benefits that come from having a native Linux port is performance, and compatability (in case running through wine / proton didn't work.) Other than that I can't think of anything else.