one time i subscribed to someone and a week later they shifted to youtube kids clickbait slop
All posts need to have the same title: me_irl it is allowed to use an emoji instead of the underscore _
Now, I can only imagine a children's book about Of Mice and Men.
I very rarely manually subscribe or unsubscribe now, it just picks up on what I watch generally.
SerpentZA loved his hopeful and exciting content, then he became embittered and critical of everything
Cleetus McFarland. Glad he diversified and got successful, but death by product placement made me unsubscribe a year or so ago.
It feels like you're the one being shot? Shouldn't the text say "How the YouTuber feels when you unsubscribe from..." if it's placed over Lennie? It's from not to, right? You can't unsubscribe to something. This is a mess
I think it's just bad text placement, if I'm reading it right you should feel like George, not Lennie
"tell me about the likes and subscribes[sic], George."
Caddicarus for me. I love the guy, his new content isn't bad. I don't have time to watch a video that's as long as a feature-length film, wherein so much stuff is covered that nothing gets a spotlight for more than a few minutes.