
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 hours ago

Hey, now. They also really hate FDR and LBJ.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 hours ago

Where should Israel go back to then?

Israel doesn't have to go anywhere. No more than South Africa went somewhere after Apartheid ended in that state. Or Cuba vanished after the Batista government collapsed. Or Germany vanished after '45.

But the war criminals leading the current genocidal policy towards the people in their care. They need the same treatment as Milosoviec, Omar al-Bashir, and Saddam Hussein.

Drag Netanyahu to the Hague and prosecute him for crimes against humanity. Dismiss the current illegal and unconstitutional Kinesset and hold new free and fair elections in Israel. Provide reparations for the displaced Gaza and West Bank citizens, and launch a Truth and Reconciliation Committee to recover damages for the crimes committed against them.

That is the only moral path forward for Israel.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 hours ago

Trump was more than happy to sell Ukraine surplus munitions back in 2018, when a diplomatic solution was still possible.

Drenching the conflict with lighter fluid and waiting for someone to light a match.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

Turd on turd violence. But it did seem like Kennedy was ready to fix Truman's mistake in kicking off the Cold War.

And then...

[–] [email protected] 15 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Damn, that mailbox could use a pager in it

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago

they could’ve easily just targeted specific individuals

They did target a specific individual - the Iranian ambassador in Lebanon. Everyone else was collateral damage.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 hours ago

Bombing a police station because there's a chance one of the cops might try to arrest me.

Bombing the court house so there's no place for my trial.

Bombing the mayor's Special Committee On Investigating City Bombings to cover my trail.

Bombing the local field office of the newspaper that's writing a report on all these bombings.

More people are saying I'm the bad guy, but this is just adding the number of people I have to add to my list of future bomb targets.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Once again, it needs to be noted that this entire operation was designed to assassinate one guy. The part of the pager shipment was an order made by the Iranian consulate in Lebanon.

Since the Israelis didn't know which pager was going to the ambassador, they just rigged them all to explode. Then everyone who got caught in the crossfire was labeled "Hezbollah" after the fact.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 hours ago (4 children)

even though they’re (trying to) occupy the exact same plot of land

Explaining to my Cherokee friends that, really, you're no better than the European settlers who displaced you because you both wanted to live in Florida. Suddenly, they're not my friends anymore. Can't believe they were anti-white racists the whole time.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 hours ago

Wait till they start dropping the big bombs. Then it'll be even less like terrorism and you'll be called antisemitic for suggesting otherwise.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 hours ago

this guy is not even being charged with anything

He feels threatened, though. That violates his NAP.

If these were black kids playing across the street rather than armed FBI agents pounding on his door, he likely would have tried to gun them down already.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

Libertarians denounce Lincoln as a tyrant, then spill a gallon of ink praising Coolidge, Eisenhower, and Reagan for brutalizing Latin America and terrorizing American immigrant communities.

They don't give a shit about Freedom and Liberty. They're just white nationalists. They want to bring the old plantation system back.


That video was a viral hit, spread by X accounts with as a many as a half-million followers, despite first appearing on a newly minted San Francisco news outlet that soon vanished. Posts featuring the video racked up 7 million views on X alone, and were also on Facebook, TikTok and YouTube.

Another video manufactured an assault on an attendee of a rally for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, garnering millions of views, Microsoft said. One depicted a fake New York billboard with vulgar messages saying Harris wanted to change children’s gender. It drew hundreds of thousands of views on X.

In all, Microsoft called out three Russian government-backed groups in addition to those described in federal charges last week against employees at propaganda network RT.

One group was “adept at grabbing headlines with its outlandish fake videos and scandalous claims,” Microsoft said, while another “will likely only escalate its targeting of the Harris-Walz campaign in the lead-up to Election Day.”


Police opened fire on a subway platform in Brooklyn during a confrontation with an alleged fare-beater, striking the man cops said was armed with a knife, two straphangers caught in the fray, and one of the firing officers, NYPD officials said Sunday.

One of those two passengers hit by the cops' bullets, a 49-year-old man, was hospitalized in critical condition after he was hit struck in the head, according to the NYPD.

The two officers who opened fire were assigned to patrol the Sutter Avenue subway stop in the 73rd precinct when they spotted a man skip the station turnstile and walk through an open gate toward the train platform, Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey explained at an evening press conference from Brookdale Hospital.


The Palestine Authority's envoy, Riyad Mansour, sat at a table marked 'State of Palestine' between UN member states Sri Lanka and Sudan.

The Palestinian Permanent Mission to the UN shared a clip on social media of the Ambassador of Egypt and the President of the General Assembly confirming the new seating arrangement for the State of Palestine delegation.


Israel was not happy with the move, claiming the move was influenced by political favouritism and that membership privileges should be reserved for member states only.

"Any decision and or action that improves the status of the Palestinians…is currently a reward… for terrorism in general and the Hamas terrorists in particular," said Jonathan Miller, deputy Israel ambassador to the United Nations.


Multiple city, county and school buildings around Springfield were closed Thursday after a bomb threat “to multiple facilities throughout Springfield,” according to a city statement released Thursday morning. Springfield City Hall was evacuated around 8:30 a.m.

Springfield Mayor Rob Rue said everyone who was in the City Hall building was moved out and is safe. Rue would not comment on the precise language of the threat but said it came from someone claiming to be from Springfield, and mentioned frustration with the city related to Haitian immigration issues.

All Clark County buildings were also closed to the public, “out of an abundance of caution,” which includes all commission departments, the Department of Job and Family Services, the Common Pleas Court, the Board of Elections and the A.B. Graham Building, according to a statement released at 11:45 a.m. The county said it would update the public with more closures “as they become available.”

Drivers license bureaus in Clark County were also closed Thursday morning in relation to the threats, according to Clark County Clerk of Courts Melissa Tuttle.

Springfield City Schools evacuated students from Fulton Elementary on Thursday morning. Parents said they were told to pick up their children, and a police officer outside Fulton told concerned parents that their children had been moved to Springfield High School. Springfield City Schools issued a brief statement at 10:40 a.m.

“Based on information received from the State Fire Marshal, Fulton students were evacuated from their building to Springfield High School this morning,” school officials said. “Students and staff are safe; however, the district is in the process of a controlled release to safely dismiss students to their parents.”


The Caribbean island state became the first in the region to win its independence in 1804 after a revolt by enslaved people. But in a move that many Haitians blame for two centuries of turmoil, France later imposed harsh reparations for lost income and that debt was only fully repaid in 1947.

The group of about 20 non-governmental organisations currently in Geneva for a UN Permanent Forum on People of African Descent (PFPAD) are seeking a new independent commission to oversee the restitution of the debt, which they refer to as a ransom.


The amount paid to France is disputed by historians although the New York Times estimated Haiti’s loss at $21bn. The proposal’s backers say the amount is much higher.

“It’s $21bn plus 200 years of interest that France has enjoyed, so we’re talking more like $150bn, $200bn or more,” said Jemima Pierre, professor of global race at the University of British Columbia.

Clesca said she hoped the recommendation and others would be part of the UN forum’s conclusions due on Friday. Last year, the PFPAD suggested that a tribunal should be formed to address reparations for slavery.


On Sept. 1, Texas is slated to open its new business courts, a brand-new legal system backed by Big Oil — and several of the court’s main judges have in the past represented fossil fuel companies as lawyers, The Lever has found.

The judges were hand-picked over the last two months by Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, a major recipient of oil industry cash — and many can be quickly replaced if they hand down decisions he opposes, a judicial design that he championed.

The courts consist of 11 regional business courts and a new statewide court of appeals to hear appellate litigation, which are expected to have immediate impacts on environmental cases in the state. As Public Health Watch, an independent investigative news organization, reported last month, a suite of cases involving state environmental authorities will now be transferred from a generally liberal appeals court to the state’s new Fifteenth Court of Appeals, created to oversee the business courts.

There, these cases will be decided by a panel of conservative judges historically friendly to industry — particularly oil and gas interests, a powerful force in Texas.


The contract between Boeing and the International Association of Machinists is due to expire at 11:59 pm PT on September 12. Without a new contract, the workers who build its planes in Washington state are set to start the first strike at the company in 16 years. And right now, the chances of a deal don’t look good, according to the head of the union local.

“We’re far apart is on all the main issues — wages, health care, retirement, time off,” Jon Holden, president of IAM District 751, told CNN this past week. “We continue to work through that, but it’s been a tough slog to get through.”

It’s just the latest in a series of serious and high-profile problems at a company that has dealt with fatal crashes traced to a design flaw in its best-selling jet, accusations that it put profits and production speed ahead of quality and safety, tanking aircraft sales, an agreement to plead guilty to criminal charges that it deceived regulators, and massive financial losses covered by soaring levels of debt.


The company said that wages for IAM members have increased 60% over the last 10 years due to general wage increases, cost-of-living adjustments and incentive pay. But the union is still angry over the earlier concessions. It is also seeking improved time off and also better job guarantees so it won’t be faced once again with the threat of losing work to nonunion plants.

“We cannot go through another period where a year or two from now where our jobs are threatened,” Holden said,

Numerous unions, including the Teamsters at UPS and the United Auto Workers union at GM, Ford and Stellantis, won double-digit wage increases in recent union deals. But in those and many other cases, they were negotiating with companies making record profits and with plenty of resources to satisfy union demands.

By contrast, the problems at Boeing have resulted in $33.3 billion in core operating losses over the course of the last five years, forcing the company to go deeply into debt. It is in danger of having that debt downgraded to junk bond status, but Holden insists that the union still has leverage in these talks.

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